Shadowrun Pub

General => General => Topic started by: Ingo Monk on January 19, 2013, 01:32:53 AM

Title: New cyberpunk game
Post by: Ingo Monk on January 19, 2013, 01:32:53 AM
Check it out:

From the folks that brought us The Witcher series.  I'm rather excited about it, no eta other than "When it's ready".  At the end of the video it says there will be another announcement next month.
Title: Re: New cyberpunk game
Post by: bull30548 on January 19, 2013, 10:34:58 AM
Yeah I saw that the other day and was tempted to post it here but decided not too.  I think there is another link in the Shadowrun Universe Forums about it.  I was actually surprised to see that it was there since I get the feeling that this game is in response to SR's video game campaigns.  I mean I am hoping it is going to be another take on how to do a cyberpunk game.  Has anybody look at the RPG pen and paper format? I never did wondering if it is any good?
Title: Re: New cyberpunk game
Post by: Ingo Monk on January 19, 2013, 11:10:59 PM
I know Cyberpunk has quite a following.  I actually have the core book for Cyberpunk 2020 (essentially Cyberpunk 2nd edition), but never got around to running a game for it.  I think Shadowrun is more popular even though Cyberpunk first came out a year prior.  From my understanding Cyberpunk is closer and more true to Gibson's work.  My feeling is that Shadowrun appeals to more audiences since it integrates multiple genres and it's history plays into the setting.  A little bit of something for everyone perhaps?

Still though, CD Projekt RED (the folks who made The Witcher games) have made some good games.  So at least we can expect a good single player rpg-narrative story which should look good and play well. 
Title: Re: New cyberpunk game
Post by: NeoPaladin on January 21, 2013, 04:45:23 PM
I am down for supporting anything that supplies a good single player RPG experience.
Title: Re: New cyberpunk game
Post by: Capt_North on January 29, 2013, 12:42:10 PM
.... i think i read one of the books for cyberpunk, like some many many years ago, before i even started posting here.. and i was reading it for the cool cyberware in that book to try and figure out how to put it into shadowrun..

And yeah, saw that on the spoony experiment (who has gone on to talk alot about cyber punk for last month or so now) He also made me realize i've read it twice.. Cause i checked out the edition that had pictures that were just dolls and stuff rather then drawn pictures or anything.. And thought it was someones bad fan made edition or something...
Title: Re: New cyberpunk game
Post by: Ruski on January 30, 2013, 01:53:08 PM
Cyberpunk is enjoyable (johnny neumonic anyone?) and I'll probibly buy/support whatever dystopian future they are willing to sell me.

Shadowrun though, with the addition of the fantastic (magic, werewolves, and dragons) combined with the PC's playable as goodguys or badguys (even in the same group) outshines it.

That's what attracted me to shadowrun in the first place.
Ever try to run a DnD campaign with all villains?
Heck, it's tough to get it to work if your thief isn't robbinhood or some 'confused' kender-variant.

It was in second edition that the tagline appeared:
"We aren't good guys, we don't rob from the rich to give to the poor, we rob from the rich because the richer pay us to."

something about that resonated with me. it was like ... whoa! real life in a game? can such a thing be possible?!?!!
and despite the cool ghost in the shell mods, cyberpunk never really provided that for me.
