Shadowrun Pub

Shadowrun RPG => SR5 (Shadowrun 5th Edition) General Discussion => Topic started by: kv on March 13, 2013, 03:43:06 PM

Title: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: kv on March 13, 2013, 03:43:06 PM
Okay, so I know this isn't super new news, but I thought it was worth discussing here, and worthy of its own thread.

What have you heard?
Should I post the image for the book cover? (It's pretty cool)

What would you like to see in the new edition?

What would you like to avoid with the new edition?

What's your worst fear about the new edition? --I know we're creatures of habit, and change is scary.

  - kv
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: bull30548 on March 14, 2013, 05:16:32 PM
What have I heard?
Matrix system upgrade both in game and game mechanics.  If you follow Jackpoint they have mentioned it.  In game terms it is basically they are splitting the Matrix into layers.  The top layer is going to be the public access layer (pretty much anybody with a commlink has access) after that there going to be security layers.  In game mechanic terms they are making it where not anybody can be a hacker.  There is also been mention (no real confirmation) that they are bringing decks back to help with that (I think someone did the math and realize a decent hacker could be designed with about 250,000).  Another thing that been confirmed but I didn't realize was part of the system they are uping max skills to 12.  And finally on the website today they posted that a new book called Storm Front is being released at the end of this month that going to be a bridge from fourth to fifth and wrap up a few of the storylines though which ones I am not to sure of.  They also just released an E-book about sim sense and BTL's.  I had heard rumor that they were going to do another E-book that would include European vehicles.  I do hope that this is still coming out cause well I am still a rigger at heart.

Oh and they are apparently adding a new stat to gear that I am just going to use the catch all phrase of 'accuracy' to.  The belief is that as a player you may not have the best skill in say automatics so if you buy a more accurate weapon then you will get a higher chance to hit.  Same with regular gear if it is more reliable you are more likely to get it right sooner or later.  However, that doesn't mean the min/max folks are not going to do the same thing and get the most accurate weapon they possibly can to do the most epic damage imaginable. 
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: kv on March 26, 2013, 05:23:18 PM
Here's the cover for the 5th Edition Core book (which I think looks pretty awesome).


  - kv
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: Ingo Monk on March 27, 2013, 09:37:31 PM
Cool!  Notice the dead "samurai robot" on the bottom left?  And what's with the glowing sword?

Also, I think they should update the corporate logos.  I don't like they look copied/pasted onto the side of the buildings..
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: kv on March 28, 2013, 04:03:24 PM
Yeah, I agree, although I think that will probably be covered by the 'Shadowrun' logo and reference to who wrote it and stuff.

It's good to know I'm not the only one reading this forum- it does feel that way sometimes.

Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: bull30548 on May 05, 2013, 03:52:45 PM
Here is an idea once fifth edition comes out we go back and update the site a bit.  Just took a glance at the "The Corporation" section hasn't been updated in like 4 years lol.  I think some stuff may have happened since then.  Not saying we got to get it up to 5th edition quite yet (but might be a good idea with SR Online influencing them) so that it is a little more up to date.
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: kv on May 05, 2013, 11:57:49 PM
Yeah, we can probably retire that Fuchi thread. ;)

That being said, I had a sudden realization the other day- Horizon is Google! Just like Fuchi was supposed to be IBM, and Renraku was Microsoft, Horizon is the ol G+!

Think about it- enormously popular and PR savvy tech company, can seemingly do no wrong? Sounds pretty google-ish to me. Thoughts? Witty banter?
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: bull30548 on May 06, 2013, 12:23:47 AM
I thought Mitsuhama was supposed to be IBM now with Fuchi gone?   You could also make the same claim about Apple being Horizon.  Look how weel they did with the Ipod all those years ago then the Iphone and finally the Ipad.  I mean they are having troubles now (much like Horizon had taking on Aztec indirectly) but they can stay strong.  Now where will Disney fall in the mix?  Actually going back an looking at Unwired they mention Horizon owns Turner.  Which ironically is owned partially by AOL which is partially owned by Disney.  Also don't forget that Time Warner is in league with AOL and they own DC Comics.  Disney owns Marvel and them all in a way.  So now it is Disney that rules the world of entertainment with the last of the holdouts LucasArts coming under their control.  That round eared mouse owns the World now! lol
Random raves allowed too?
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: kv on May 07, 2013, 12:28:15 AM
Novatech is Apple. :)
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: bull30548 on May 18, 2013, 08:58:00 PM
So this thought occurred to me a little while ago.  I was thinking back to how catalyst did it for 4th edition release and I have a theory.  I think we are going to get hit with that again.  We will probably be getting the book at the end of this month or next.  So when they did that with fourth it was actually at GenCon at the beginning of August.  However, by beginning of September (I remember because i picked it up at Dragoncon) we also got Street Magic and then two months after that was arsenal and then augmentation.  It was a few more months before we got Unwired due to revamping of the Matrix rules and Technomancers.  However, they also gave us the Runner's Toolkit and Way of the Adept ebooks while we were waiting on Street Magic.  It wasn't until a few months that we started getting E-books to fill the gaps that were left out or didn't merit a full book by itself. 

So any thoughts of them doing this to us again?
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: Ingo Monk on May 19, 2013, 10:05:43 PM
I wouldn't be surprised.  As an RPG developer their lifeblood is book sales, whether they be physical or virtual.  The sooner (and more often) they get books out the sooner cashflow comes in.
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: bull30548 on May 20, 2013, 05:01:19 PM

Someone dropped a list of the intended release schedule for SR5 but I am not sure how accurate it is going to be.
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: Ingo Monk on May 20, 2013, 07:14:39 PM
Sweet!  Thanks for the paydata Bull!
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: kv on May 20, 2013, 09:47:38 PM
I read that things are going back to dynamic initiative. From the 2nd preview, we know that Initiative will be:

Reaction(X) + Intuition (Y) + 1d6 + Modifiers (up to 5d6)

I heard that they're returning to the land of 'roll all your dice and add them up! Subtract 10 per initiative pass!'
I don't know how I feel about that. It was kind of fun to have dynamic initiative after years of playing D&D, but at the same time, it became a speed race in our tabletop game because no one wanted to be the character that sat there for 20 minutes while everyone else fought the Red Samurai, and finally got to go after everyone was dead. I don't lie, that is a true story that happened to me.

  - kv
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: bull30548 on May 21, 2013, 02:18:58 AM
Oh I agree I had a friend if the GM hadn't taken pity on him and let his character get some experimental move by wire in him he would of gone nuts.  He was almost second to last in every combat.  Two were combat mages with enhance reflexes spells, my rigger with his drones, another mage, a hacker, and him the break in specialist.  Also this guy couldn't roll himself out of a paper bag honestly.  I will be honest I like 4th editions initiative system better just because it is simple and it rewards the people who invest in move by wire or wired reflexes and the guys who get the sustained focus for enhanced reflex spell. 
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: kv on May 21, 2013, 04:59:34 PM
I don't know how I feel about it; I see the benefit to both methods (in dynamic initiatives, faster is cooler; in 4th's initiative scheme, no one had to go do a soda run while waiting for the street SAMs to finish their 40 actions before everyone else gets to go).

In the days of dynamic initiative, we had one player who used every means at his disposal to go as fast as possible- and he never did anything. Every combat, he'd go first, sometimes by a few passes, observe in detail and delay action until the bad guys targeted someone else, or one of us poor fobs finally got to go.

One time, his badass physical adept hid in the elevator while my decker fought red samurai.

  - kv
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: Capt_North on August 05, 2019, 12:05:27 AM
Hey, Question to you guys still around...

There rules for Minotaurs for 5th? Small post game with friend where had idea for large Minotaur lass who had ties to mafia, but cant quite find the rules to make them in 5e... There a book, or only fan made stuff?
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: ROOTless on August 05, 2019, 03:08:36 AM
I have to admit, I haven't even opened the book.
I kinda lost touch when 4th ed turned the mechanics into "Storyteller, but worse". :-/  :'(
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: Capt_North on August 05, 2019, 07:23:56 AM
I found it shortly after asking... Admit at the time i was just a Bit tipsy from the drink, and noticed it as soon as i stopped looking.

Gotta say i like 5th, back more to the original system like 3rd, though still some differences. Still this stupid urge to make EVERYTHING wireless, which just sounds stupid and retarded to me.. but yeah.
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: Capt_North on August 05, 2019, 12:45:03 PM
Ok... So one thing has been bothering me... And techincally 4th started it.

Wireless systems.
What is with some of these bonuses? Some i get, like smartguns getting real time data to help predict shots, checking the matrix for most current data on things, and the such like that....


But on physical parts? Like eye augments, cyber weapons, all the things like that? A weak wireless signal is really much more effective and faster to think through then a wire system that should already be attached to your body?

Do they have little switches and toggles you Actively have to flip to turn them on? Is there any actual reason WHY you have to have this wireless retardation to get this little bonus? Is there some actual reason why the direct connection to your head isnt able to do it as quickly as a wireless signal..?
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: ROOTless on August 06, 2019, 02:02:04 AM
Well, no. Wireless is always slower (less data/time) than wireless.
A friend of mine defended it by talking about data ownership and updating software. I'd still refuse to get wires installed that I couldn't take offline at will.
Title: Re: Shadowrun: 5th Edition
Post by: Capt_North on August 11, 2019, 09:38:58 AM
Well, no. Wireless is always slower (less data/time) than wireless.
A friend of mine defended it by talking about data ownership and updating software. I'd still refuse to get wires installed that I couldn't take offline at will.

First part has 2 wireless mentions, im guessing one means wired, but im not sure which is which...

but another friend pointed out its possible its a "software" limitation built in by corps to help keep track of things, kinda like how single player games want you to be online to play..