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didn't there used to be a forum for other types of games besides roleplaying and shadowrun? I was just wondering if anyone played Warmachine

I've gotten some Cryx and some Mercenaries, but so far I have yet to get them painted or even assembled. When I do, I'm going to give it a shot. Oh, and try moving this to the Roleplaying section. We had to create one for some twisted, obscured reasons a few months back. Just ask any of the mod's and they will fill you in.


woohoo, go gabe, didn't expect you to play. I've got around 750 pts of Crix. Mos t of my jacks are painted and I've got 2 Bane thrallsd done. Just need to find time to really get to work on them. How many points can you field? Which caster do you use? I like skar. She's the "bomb". I'm defiantly gonna have my stuff with me when we head to your place. Just waitin on jake to get a good weekend

Well, I have the starter box of Cryx, so I guess I will have to use the nasty zombie chick in that one. I also have a Vanguard and Nomad from the Mercenary rmies and one Sentinel from the Cygnars. Manily I just wanted to paint them, since the miniatures looked so cool, but now I wouldn't mind playing once or twice to see if I like it.

I WANT to get myself a Bloat Thrall w/Bile Thrall unit, a Pistol Wraith, Machine Wraith, a Stalker (since I saw a really cool conversion), and maybe a few Bane Thalls. But I want to play first before I put that much time and money into the game.


first off the chick in the starter set is still alive. G nasty in hand to hand. But I like to play with Pirate Queen Skar. Not so great in hand to hand but what she can do in the spell casting part rocks. Yes, you gotta have a bloat thrall and some bile thralls. I have a pistol wraith I like and a machine wraith. And Bane thralls are one of the best units in the game. You can take a jack down with one u it of them. But, if you decide to use scar she has a feeat that if you sacrafice 5 life all models in control range get +5 armor. Then her dagger has an ability if you sacrafice a model within 2" you can deal a pow=sacraficed models defense hit against any model in skar's control range. If you sac a bane thrall that's 20. And it's boostable. You can drop a warcaster with that. It was nicknamed the skarr bomb. I'll try and show you that too :)


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