Shadowrun RPG > Magic and the Planes

True Elements

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I've been doing some research over the various Canon references, and in perusing the Shadows of Asia book, I noticed there's a section that mentions what might be True Water:

pg. 28 (SoA)

> From what I’ve heard, Wuxing discovered an alchemical
water radical, which they call longlei (dragon tears), in some of
the South China Sea’s underwater gorges and pools. As with
any other alchemical radical, though, general industrial mining
will ruin it, which is why Shiawase’s presence is a big problem.
> Li Hsen Chang

What kind of mojo could you cook up with this kind of stuff?

Additionally, I also noticed that where these elements are showing up at is where all the "comet Orichalcum" came from. That is to say, perhaps the Earth's geology went through an amorphic change, similar to SURGE or UGE. So say you have this seemingly innocuous rock, but during the comet it changes into natural orichalcum, you mine the orichalcum and refine it, so it stays like that, but if you leave it, it changes into one static element instead of a combination of all 4.

Orichalcum in the Earthdawn sense, is a mixture of all True elements (save True Wood, I believe) Now in Shadowrun, Orichalcum that is found naturally is like this but isn't as potent as artificially produced Orichalcum which is a series of Metal radicals.

So if there were undiscovered Orichalcum deposits in say, the highest mountain peaks, do they turn into True Air? Under the sea becomes Water, and so on?

interesting idea... but there's no good way to test it...

-RuskiFace the Pirate

Refresh my memory here, what is the diffrence between air and True Air?? And I mean in SR terms.


well, when you breathe TRUE air... you uh... can... uh... only tell the truth... and uh...

-RuskiFace the Pirate


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