Shadowrun RPG > Magic and the Planes

Spells at Sea

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Yes, it's better to bend a little, than crack a lot!

Presuming you're using a telescope, yes. However, since you can zoom out and catch a generally large picture to still get a bead. You're not really "aiming" at the target, afterall. You just need to see them. The rocking of the boat would still count as if you were moving on "difficult" terrain, I imagine, so that would be a +T# for the distraction.


--- Quote from: Curris on May 08, 2006, 09:06:20 AM ---Larger ships tend to be more stable, though. Like supertankers. You can walk all over them and never know you're on the ocean.

--- End quote ---
I disagre I have ridden on a cruse ship before and trust me if the seas are rough you feel the ship on the waves admitly visualy your not going to see
alot of difances and while yes the target is going to bob in the view field not apriablely and as long as you can see the taeget your going to hit


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