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Touch-Sensitive computer systems

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Ingo Monk:
Check this out:

interesting,... a vector point program with multiple oint of contact detection...

i wonder how they got off the single point relay? most 'touch' monitors use a pressure sensative base that detects how you hit the screen, based on where the pressure goes to the base... this would have to have some sort of static overlay that picked up the invididual points and claculated their diffrence and independantly tracked rotation... I wonder if they cover more than two points, or if you are only aloud two contact vectors?

-RuskiFace the Pirate

Are you seriously asking that question, Ruski? And here I thought you were on the SOTA curve. It's pretty damn simple when you think about it. It's maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagic. ;)

Of course you realize this is a precurser to immersive interactice interface right? The actual next step to this is simsense and matrix interface. What, maybe another 20 years or so before practical applications???


AJStarhiker:  That kinda reminded me of that computer they used in Minority Report.  And, if you watched until the end, you'd see there were two people using both hands on the same interface, so obviously there can be more than two points of contact.

Ingo Monk:
It's a technology copyrighted by Apple (blech!).  If you notice during the demo with the checkered cow, it senses where you press, but it also senses how hard you press, which is pretty kewl.  Next gen touch screen interface is pressure sensative!  The only thing left after this is for it to have 3-dimensional sensors to track your hand movements rather than touching the screen itself.


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