General > Role Playing Games

shadowrun board admin question


hi guys.. been a while since ive been here.. highly doubt some of you would remember me at all (been about 2 years) for those who may remember my website "TheShadowRun" I was allowed to advertise it here at one time looking for GMs and players to participate in a PBP or java live play environment... I was wondering if the board admins here would allow me to do this again, and if so where should I post? I will be sure to add your site to mine if you approve.. please let me know asap.. were in need of some new games and players...

As far as I know, Ingo (the admin) has no problem with people pimping thier own sites here- so go right ahead. If you want to advertise, dump a link here, and we'll probably all click it eventually and get you cold hard advertising revenue or something.

We also have a PBP section here, so if you don't get games started sometime soon, maybe you can join one of ours!


thanks kid_vid :D


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