Shadowrun RPG > SR3 (Shadowrun 3rd Edition) General Discussion

What's your favorite Shamanic Totem?

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I like the avians usually.  I've used Raven and Owl a lot as npc characters.  I tend not to play spell chuckers myself.


--- Quote from: Fortune on July 17, 2007, 02:09:10 AM ---At the moment, my favorite (for SR4) is Adversary.

In SR3, I really took a shine to Leopard.

Oh, and Totems (Mentor Spirits) are not just for Shamans anymore. ;)

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Holy FRAG!!!!! Fortune's BACK!!!! Damn chummer, I missed seeing you in this neck of the sprawl! It just hasn't been the same without your shining personality and easy good humor. ;)

As for the question, I've always liked Dog and Cat. These totems seem particularly well done in SR3. The idiosincracies (sp) of the concepts strike VERY close to home for me and my characters. Of course, since I always RUN the fraggin' games, I've never had the chance to run one as a PC. Damn the luck!



--- Quote from: Fortune on July 17, 2007, 07:29:33 AM ---I don't have a lot of my SR3 books anymore, and I'm gettin' old so I can't remember just what Adversary was like in SR3.

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can't remember the drawback (yeah, getting old), but +2 to combat and manipulation spells was nice.


--- Quote from: Gabriel on July 19, 2007, 07:02:07 PM ---Damn chummer, I missed seeing you in this neck of the sprawl! It just hasn't been the same without your shining personality and easy good humor.
--- End quote ---

Why thank you, kind sirrah. :)

I found the drawbacks to Adversary in SR3 ... possibility to go Berserk (as Bear) when wounded plus must succeed at a Willpower [8] test to be friendly and/or civil to authority figures. ;D

yeah, you're right.
Better make sure to deeply anarchistic if you want to go for that totem.


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