Shadowrun RPG > SR5 (Shadowrun 5th Edition) General Discussion

Shadowrun: 5th Edition

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Ingo Monk:
I wouldn't be surprised.  As an RPG developer their lifeblood is book sales, whether they be physical or virtual.  The sooner (and more often) they get books out the sooner cashflow comes in.


Someone dropped a list of the intended release schedule for SR5 but I am not sure how accurate it is going to be.

Ingo Monk:
Sweet!  Thanks for the paydata Bull!

I read that things are going back to dynamic initiative. From the 2nd preview, we know that Initiative will be:

Reaction(X) + Intuition (Y) + 1d6 + Modifiers (up to 5d6)

I heard that they're returning to the land of 'roll all your dice and add them up! Subtract 10 per initiative pass!'
I don't know how I feel about that. It was kind of fun to have dynamic initiative after years of playing D&D, but at the same time, it became a speed race in our tabletop game because no one wanted to be the character that sat there for 20 minutes while everyone else fought the Red Samurai, and finally got to go after everyone was dead. I don't lie, that is a true story that happened to me.

  - kv

Oh I agree I had a friend if the GM hadn't taken pity on him and let his character get some experimental move by wire in him he would of gone nuts.  He was almost second to last in every combat.  Two were combat mages with enhance reflexes spells, my rigger with his drones, another mage, a hacker, and him the break in specialist.  Also this guy couldn't roll himself out of a paper bag honestly.  I will be honest I like 4th editions initiative system better just because it is simple and it rewards the people who invest in move by wire or wired reflexes and the guys who get the sustained focus for enhanced reflex spell. 


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