Shadowrun RPG > SR5 (Shadowrun 5th Edition) General Discussion

Shadowrun: 5th Edition

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Here is an idea once fifth edition comes out we go back and update the site a bit.  Just took a glance at the "The Corporation" section hasn't been updated in like 4 years lol.  I think some stuff may have happened since then.  Not saying we got to get it up to 5th edition quite yet (but might be a good idea with SR Online influencing them) so that it is a little more up to date.

Yeah, we can probably retire that Fuchi thread. ;)

That being said, I had a sudden realization the other day- Horizon is Google! Just like Fuchi was supposed to be IBM, and Renraku was Microsoft, Horizon is the ol G+!

Think about it- enormously popular and PR savvy tech company, can seemingly do no wrong? Sounds pretty google-ish to me. Thoughts? Witty banter?

I thought Mitsuhama was supposed to be IBM now with Fuchi gone?   You could also make the same claim about Apple being Horizon.  Look how weel they did with the Ipod all those years ago then the Iphone and finally the Ipad.  I mean they are having troubles now (much like Horizon had taking on Aztec indirectly) but they can stay strong.  Now where will Disney fall in the mix?  Actually going back an looking at Unwired they mention Horizon owns Turner.  Which ironically is owned partially by AOL which is partially owned by Disney.  Also don't forget that Time Warner is in league with AOL and they own DC Comics.  Disney owns Marvel and them all in a way.  So now it is Disney that rules the world of entertainment with the last of the holdouts LucasArts coming under their control.  That round eared mouse owns the World now! lol
Random raves allowed too?

Novatech is Apple. :)

So this thought occurred to me a little while ago.  I was thinking back to how catalyst did it for 4th edition release and I have a theory.  I think we are going to get hit with that again.  We will probably be getting the book at the end of this month or next.  So when they did that with fourth it was actually at GenCon at the beginning of August.  However, by beginning of September (I remember because i picked it up at Dragoncon) we also got Street Magic and then two months after that was arsenal and then augmentation.  It was a few more months before we got Unwired due to revamping of the Matrix rules and Technomancers.  However, they also gave us the Runner's Toolkit and Way of the Adept ebooks while we were waiting on Street Magic.  It wasn't until a few months that we started getting E-books to fill the gaps that were left out or didn't merit a full book by itself. 

So any thoughts of them doing this to us again?


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