General > General



Just thought I'd pop in and check how things have been...

seems a little quiet....

I think I will leave this here...

Pad!  ;D

Ninjas do that, right? pad about? Not heavy footed sorts generally speaking.

The good ole pad.
I don't know who even checks here anymore.

I check in from time to time- I delete spammers, and post replies, but without the Pubbers to interact with, it's generally pretty dead.

Here's a fun fact: I published a video game last year;

Since I was the writer on it, I reached out to Ingo, to see if he had any problem with me dropping the Shadowrun pub as a cameo in the matrix; he gave his blessing, so I put in the Matrix Pub, with host Jingoistic (Ingo to his friends). I was very happy that I got to include it, and that the pub may yet live on in other people's games.

  -kv (aka L0g41n)

I'm so impressed that you published...well, anything.  Still knocking on doors myself. 
I still check in every few weeks/months.  Less if no one was in since the last time - like a self fulfilling prophecy, we're corpse like by our own efforts - or lack there of.  That's the way life runs.

But it is fun to delete shoals of spam from time to time.


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