Shadowrun RPG > History & Politics

The Next New Century

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Gabe isn't here, so I guess it's safe to talk.

In the Horrors sourcebook, the "dragon creation myth" states that Nighthunter, the dragon-like being that created "life" left "across the world" to spawn it's creations: Dragons, Name-givers, and the like. The "other side of the world" is quite similar to "the land down under" which leads me to believe that the nature of Australia's manastorms has more to do with how Corrupted that area had been during the 2nd or 4th worlds.

mother nature astrally purging herself with some prune juce mojo huh?

-RuskiFace the Pirate

I suspect a 9/11 will occuar

a terrorist attack in the outback? what are they going to crash their plane into? a pack of dingos?

-RuskiFace the Pirate

Ingo Monk:
Ayer's Rock!  But then again, it IS a rock.. so I don't think they'll be so successful.


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