Shadowrun RPG > History & Politics

Renracu Arcology Advice

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yes ingdgo  was efeing to the space that many would take up  even in thie mico thats still alot of space to take up

Background count level applies itself as a Target Number Modifier on all Magicial Tests (Sorcery, Conjuring, and Enchanting) So to cast a spell in a Background count 4 area is a +4 TN.

Characters resisting Drain in a Background Count Area have a +1TN modifier per every 2 levels of BC.  So that same spell would be at +2 Drain TN.

This effect is present on both the physical and astral planes. It is noticeable to Awakened with a Magic Test, or is Very noticeable to anyone assensing the area. It is like a fog in the astral, or a taste of emotional content. It is caused by emotional feedback left in an area, including both positive and negative emotions. (It would be similiarly distracting to the senses in a camp in Auschwitz, as it would be in Chartres Cathedal, but the impressions would be vividly beautiful.)

Most weak individual background counts fade over time, but most areas usually have some level of BC continously.

Magic in the Shadows page 83. . .

That should answer the question. I hope I'm not overquoting the thing. . .

How do background counts affect summoning?

Does it affect a shaman summoning on the fly? How about a elemental? Do spirits become corrupted by background counts?


It DOES affect summoning of both elementals and nature spirits in the same way as spellcasting, as Conjuring is one of the affected Magical tests.

+1 Target Number Modifier per level of BC for the Conjuring Success test, and +1 Drain Target Number per every 2 levels of BC.

I do not think that elementals and spirits are corrupted by Background Count, although they probably don't like it. However, they would have difficulty doing things like assensing, noticing things, spellcasting (if they can use it), or using some innate abilities, just as a Mage or Shaman would in their position. The same modifiers apply to Force tests that require Magic tests (Like contesting a Banishing Conjuring test). Astrally tracking people is harder in a thick emotional haze.

Mana Warps, which are Much, Much stronger areas of Background count (BC levels 6-10) can corrupt, kill, or cause insanity in Spirits just as it can in metahumans.

Yeah, I remember the first time I used background counts in a game. It was a "retirement run" for one of the characters, and so I sent them into a cult that had been practicing blood magic, the area was saturated with background count, and although it was negative to the players, it was a positive for the cultists.

The one thing I didn't plan for? No one brought a mage. A bunch of sleepies and one groggy walked in there with the biggest guns they could find and gave the place a lead paintjob. Only the head mage managed to last more than one round, and he got gacked halfway through the second round.

If I had known what I was doing, I would have had the mage summon a couple of spirits to be on hand (or lied and said he had summoned them), but it did not go well for me. I think they walked out of there easier than any run before.



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