Shadowrun RPG > Stories of the Shadows

A good day to Drive.

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It was a dry seattle spring, one of the few weeks in the year when there isn't a drop of rain to be found in the otherwise wet city.

we greet our shadowrunners, with their lives already in progress.

Claric (a gun whielding adept, useing upwards of 20 dice with his pistols)

Speedy (level three wired reflexes, and a reaction close to 20)

Jen (slut with charisma of 9, and a list of contacts that was 2 pages long)

and Jack, the only well rounded charichter (had car skills, talking skills, and other abilities found lacking in the rest of the team)

the mission: protect son of a corperate hot shot, makeing sure he makes it to his vacation resort alive.

the particulars: he can't know we are protecting him. he drives a eurowestwind turbo, and it's about two hours on a twisty mountain road between here and there. we have two weeks prep time before the day of protection.

preperations: speedy drops a level five nitrus system into his stock honda in hopes that he'll somehow keep up with the westwind. the rest of the time is spent driveing the route over and over again, and wasteing more gas than anyone else on the team.

claric rides his yamaha rapier all over the place, looking for probible ambush areas, and orders some pre-wired explosives to hide in clever places allong the route.

Jack works on actually ordering the exposives, as well as some additional weaponry for the run.

Jen spends the entire time at a beauty spa, and has her own westwind waxed and polished (as well as haveing a smoke generator and kill switch installed.)

Day of the run. corp boy pulls out of secure complex X at 120KMPH happy to finally be on vacation. 2.3KM down the road an identical westwind starts pumping smoke, and a beautifull damsil in distress gets out. he offers her a ride to wherever she's going... loan and behold, it's the same place he's going! he smiles like it's his lucky day!
30 minutes down the road Claric is parked with his yamaha, so that our boy has some breathing room if he outruns us, and he won't feel like he has a convoy for the entire trip.
Jack is driveing Speedey's honda, Speedy is sitting shotgun with a modified SMG, and the remote detonaters for the probible ambush locations.

sound like a formula for a good run?

well, keep listening.

Well, you'd think so, but you'd be wrong. here's some of the OTHER stuff the runners did while waiting for the run to take place.

Speedey and Jen got into a race (speedey with his harley, and bike of 4, Jen with her westwind and drive of 2)
they raced on green, and bouth crashed into a bus that was still in the intersection. (a nice $5K spent on repairs to the westwind so we could still use it in the run)

Speedy and Jack are practicing the drive, when a sleak rice boy trys to race them, pulling allong side and revving it's enginge.
Speedy climbs out the passanger window, while sitting on the window seal, and unloads a clip of anti-vehicle ammo into the car next to them at 120 KMPH. the rice boy crashes into his car before going over the side of the mountian in a huge fireball.
(seatle tranist closes down the road for two days while they investagate the accident and rebuild the guard rails in that section.)

Speedy, Jack, Jen, and Claric go to a stuffer shack, and when a group of thugs show up, they immediatly waste them, Speedy running through, grabbing the shotgun out of the hands of the first assailiant, and emptying it while running through them to the door, and escapeing into the night, leaveing his comrads to fend for themselves, Jack spent the entire combat diveing for cover, Jen decided to use her best skill (moveing arround on her knees) and crawled over to the exit, and Claric decided to pick off the stragglers while shopping for sunglasses. only speedy was outside when the cleark hit the 'nero-stun-release' button, and the others barely made it out.

so, that compleates the setup portion of this run, and oh yes... it gets better!


So, we have the Yamaha with Clairc waiting up ahead, the mark with Jenn in a westwind, and Jack and speedy trailing behind in our honda. we hit the twisted mountain roads and the fun begins.

it's about 7PM, so the sun is just setting. from somewhere behind the honda a group of eight motorcycles in flat black leather, running without lights apears 'on the radar' (a lucky perseption test, but we were looking for them)

Claric is haveing fun playing with the westwind, and they are bouth pushing it to about 160KMPH and haveing fun raceing each other.

decideing that he dosn't like ninja-motorcycle riders speedy sits cowboy style backwards in his seat, and looking over the headrest out the back window rolls down the passanger side window and opens up on the lead motorcycle.
biker #1 eats crap and dies, takeing one of his buddies with him.

the remaining six pull out some SMG's of their backpacks and start to shoot out the taillights on speedy's honda.

not wanting to go out with gunshots in his back Jack decides to take action as speedy pulls his arm back in to reload.

with some serious break-check action, locking up all four tires (no break lights now) and useing the canyon wall to help us slow down a little bit, we have four of the six motorcycles end up in our trunk. (speedy was glad it was a front wheel drive car) useing the AV equip uzi speedy talks the four bikers into letting go of his trunk as we take off again, radioing ahead to claric that he should expect some company soon.
and, sure enough, the two remaining motorcycles decide that it would be cool to just shoot at everyone now, and start unloading their weapons into the yamaha and euro.
our mark starts to get freaked out, and really layes into the gas, while claric is left to deal with the bikers.
useing some extreame luck and no small amount of combat pool, claric gets one sucess while shooting at the bike behind him, while only looking at his blacked out bike in the rear-view mirror of his motorcycle while driveing at 160KMPH.
one sucess is all it takes to make the guy dump his bike in a crash test, and comeing up the road behind him in the honda jack and speedy turn him into a road bump. (killing our remaining lights,... the headlights)

the last motorcycle get's allong side of claric, and gets into a punching match with him, only to catch a couple of rounds from clairc's gun before flying off the side of the cliff.

next up, ambush area #1!

I loved that all of us were non-military, so we were making calls back and forth to each other on our cellphones. ;D

HAHHAHAHAHAA... locking up the tires was cool. Running over the jackass who shot at me  was even better. ;D

  -Kid Vid


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