Shadowrun RPG > SR4 (Shadowrun 4th Edition) General Discussion

Need help interpreting errata


I'm having trouble understanding the errata I got from the site (, namely with the errors they fixed in the sample characters.

I'm having problems figuring out where they are getting the extra BP to change characters stats (see Combat Mage.. they changed his logic from 3 to 4). I've counted several times and I can't see where they got the extra 10 BP, anyone care to enlighten me?


i will be settin down with this and working on it
i have to try it later am kinda busy now but I am trying to help

will get back to it asap

quick question, did you take into account the minimum attributes for elves when you did the math?

Yes, but now I can't remember how I counted the points spent on edge. I may have done it incorrectly. I'll check it again when I get home.

Ahh.. I got it. I think I miscounted the magic attribute before.

B: 20
A: 20
R: 30
S: 20
C: 10
I: 20
L: 20
W: 30
M: 40
E: 10
= 220
1 more logic makes it 230.


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