General > General

The Pub will not die without a fight.

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As far as I can tell, there's been a post in the pub every year since '98. Back when we had that awful thread based thing that I can't even remember the name of. The pub has been around for 18 god damn years. It can now legally buy cigarettes.

As such, it deserves a post for 2017, and I'm going to be the one to do it. So long as the back end server is online, I will make it a resolution to update this place at least once every year until the end of time.


So that was YOU who posted the link in the Shadowrunner's union?

Of course.

I tried to tag Ingo and Apoc in the facebook post, but I don't know if they're members of the Shadowrunner's Union.

It was a fun trip down memory lane- the Shadowrun webring, Dumpshock, and all the old hangouts. I have a lot of fun memories tied up in this place.

  - kv

So long as I can remember my password here, I shall endeavor to come by at least every few months and check in.  I, too, have a lot of memories tied up in this place.  I did some of my best vicious heckling here once upon a time  8)


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