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Hey all.

I've been invited by some friends to take part in a Werewolf campaign (I think it's a white wolf game, but I don't know for sure), and I was wondering if anyone else had played it, or heard things about it, or had any tips/warnings for me.

I know that freaky people play Vampire: The Masquerade (no offense intended, ROOT), but I can't really say that I've had any bad experiences with people who play Werewolf.

Can anyone enlighten me? Is there something I should do to prepare for it?


I've played it. they use D10's like shadowrun uses D6

it's actually not a bad system. it's got well thought-out bloodlines with various skills (much like a class / race)

takes place in the same 'world' as the vampires, so if you are a warewolf, be prepared to fight vampires, and vica-versa.

-RuskiFace the Pirate

Yeah, they were telling me about successes (apparently anything over 6 is considered a success, and a botch (1) takes away a success) I should probably read up on the rules beforehand, but I don't have any books. Methinks I should use my day off (first one in a long time without a headache) to read some rulebooks.


Nah. just sit there and let someone else make up a guy for you.

just give them a generic history... like they were a vampire hunter, because his brother or sister or something was bitten, and then he got 'recruited' by the warewolves to help, even though he was human, and once, after a fight he was wounded mortally, and the only way to save his life was to turn him into a warewolf.
and let one of them make a guy for you from that.

-RuskiFace the Pirate

I've tooled around with that system before, and yes it is white wolf. Not bad.


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