General > Technoweenies

A RL Piracy Job

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That's really gross.


I found it entertaining...great analogy!

Nike Shox:
yea you would find in entertaining, lol. Im only playing. Yes I deleted what I wrote before due to it made no damn sense :D

Not to mention Kazaa's servers are decaying. You'll be lucky if you can connect after four hours of searching for a host. Even the rats are leaving that boat. . .

Oh I ment to mention on here, I was doing some researching on virus' that P2P programs often give you...and there was a note on the Microsoft site about Limewire being heavily infected.  I finally got rid of the last piece just the other day.  It's sad I run 3 different programs to keep drek off my computer, not to mention on got the firewall on tight security, but that doesn't seem to help.  So I  decided from now on if I want music, I'll just go out and buy it...


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