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So are they really worth all the hype?

This is not meant to be a long debate over whose is better, or anything like that.  Just curious to what my fellow pubbers have to think about these things.

I wanted one about six years ago, but was too poor. Now I have money, but I figure that I'm better suited to buying a laptop. I can play music on those too.

As for my car, I have a CD played added via a tape deck adapter.

Summary, would be nice to have one, but not critical. If you have something that works, don't bother. Says me.

Nike Shox:
I honestly have no desire for one, lol......I llike your
s cause it's green.. ;)

I like mine too...I told you I'd try to get you the pink one.

Well I agree with you Curris.  I have both the laptop and the cd player.  I just liked the idea of one as far as portable music.  Such as if I'm with my parents and can't stand to listen to their music...or if I ever get on another plane, I'd probably use it then too.  Or if I just simply wanna take a shit and listen to some tunes...

I've bought an iPod for an ex-girlfriend, and she told me she thought it was too great of a gift, and she didn't want it when I got it, but refused to give it to me when we broke up. Beeyotch.

Anyway, Elena has gotten a couple now, and they are pretty handy little devices. What I like the most about them is that you can set up you entire music library on one. So her irish tunes, my 90s rock, some country, and whatever else we have in common (in this case, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong), and then whatever you're in the mood to hear- that's the music that you have access to. No changing CDs, no turning on your laptop, and having to worry about the battery dying or going into sleep mode (she has the ipod, so I have to use my laptop, and I know it's foibles well).

They're pretty sturdy, they have a good battery life, and they're better than a radio tuner. Why listen to the radio and all the commercials out there when you can just listen to your own music?



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