General > Technoweenies

So, you want to be a H4X0R?

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Sign up now, class space is limited.

-RuskiFace the Pirate

Pimp-Boy 2000:
::signs up::

So, what would you like to be able to do with a computer? what is the ultimate goal?

-RuskiFace the Pirate

Pimp-Boy 2000:
Oh.  Well... mostly, just the stuff we were already talking about; I need to go ahead and try to get those Telnet progs and stuff you recommended and actually do something... but I've been busier than normal this week....

Is there anything else you can tell me about um, pilfering bandwidth?  You already told me some things, but what else should I know?  For example, how can I not get caught? ;)  Or ways to pilfer software that are better than BitTorrent?

Bittorrent isn't a bad way to get software. mostly though, beyond 'the best way to do it', you have to go where it's at, even if it's a method you wouldn't pick as your first choice.

for a fun slide of events, we could work on 'free upgrades' to your own internet connection... what do you use to get online now? perhaps we can steal some bandwidth out of your own box?

-RuskiFace the Pirate


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