The Stuffer Shack has three half-tall shelves, the first of which is loaded with different kinds of gum (pork flavor?), and candies. The second is loaded with cans of soy-processing meat substitute, and the last has soap, razors, bags of towels, little shampoo containers, and vaccum-sealed bags of bread that look like they could cause a concussion. At the very back of the store, there is a freezer next to the stock room door, where things like soy-milk and protein suppliments sit in the cooled environment that is nowhere as cold as the air outside.
As always, there is a rack of sunglasses near the cashier's stand, where hidden behind racks of soy-bacco cigarettes, cigars, and lottery ticket advertisement sits a bored orkish guy with acne. He looks to be about in his twenties, and he's reading some sort of pornographic magazine and looking very bored. He sits on a stool behind a counter of very scratched bullet-proof glass, under which are poorly lit zipguns and boxes of ammo.
The lighting in here is horrible- the florescent bulbs are a uniform color of 'dull' that seems to suck the color and life out of everything. The tile, dirty and covered with stains, reflects the dullness.
On the side across from the clerk and counter, there is a setup with a microwave and soy-cheese, and every type of foodstuff imaginable- Unless you happen to be capable of imagining something worth eating.
Next to the microwave, closer to the back of the store, is the drink machine, selling caffine-filled and nicotine-laced "C@F-P0W!" Drink. It also has several other alternatives, but the Caf-Pow is the only one that looks like it gets any use. As the clerk stops to sip from a cup, you understand why.
The place is empty except for you two and the bored clerk, who glances at each of you before returning to his magazine.
At the back of the store, a circular mirror allows the clerk to keep an eye on all customers, and a small poorly made security camera records each customer, so if the clerk is shot, the camera will (hopefully) record an image of his attacker.