The man sits at his desk, the only lights in the room coming from the small screen on which replays a short video.
A man comes into the stuffer shack, and goes back to use the restroom. A few minutes later, a woman enters and begins shopping. Moments behind her, a second man enters, moving directly to the C@FP0W machine.
The woman continues shopping, stocking a hand cart with groceries. The man at the C@FP0W machine undresses, wrapping his shirt around his head, and starts taking the machine apart. Within minutes, he has already rewired the machine and set it to distil greater amounts of caffine in a non-nicotine form.
A group of armed gunmen enter the store, threatening the clerk. The clerk starts stuffing cash money into a bag, and hands it over. When the thugs turn to threaten the Caffine Man and the woman with the groceries, all hell breaks loose.
At this point, the man taps a key and the images slow down. The woman breaks her basket over the thug's head, the caffine man takes his clothes and throws them in the face of his assailant, following it with a karate kick.
They each struggle breifly with thier opponents, and then the man from the bathroom emerges with a suprised look on his face.
For a moment the combat continues, with a few shotgun blasts punctuating the fights. From the man who exited the bathroom, there is an extraordinary flash of light. The man briefly rewinds the tape, and slows it down even more. A bolt of lightning flashes from him to the thugs, arcing from one to the next.
Within seconds, all of the assailants are down, and the three shoppers move around, picking up thier clothes and groceries. They take the bag the clerk stuffed with money, and discuss something for a moment.
The man wishes he knew what they were saying, but there's no sound in the video. The discussion leads to the Caffine man jumping up on the counter and disabling the primary camera, pulling both the tape of the incident and the backup tape of the incident out of thier respective hiding places. He hands one tape to the woman, and shoves the second in the store microwave, pushing a few buttons and closing the door.
Around this time, another man comes into the store, looks around in shock, and then starts stealing goods.
After a few moments, all of the survivors leave, and the store is empty.
The man stops the tape, and the lights in the room come on. His superior and a secretary stare at the last frame of the video, still up on the screen. The superior looks over a few files he has sitting in front of him on the desk, and then looks at the man. "You're sure these are them?"
The man nods, pressing another button and the image of the video is replaced with enhanced screens of each of the survivors, alongside stock photos of them. The stock photos are also attached to each of the files in front of his superior. "We are reasonably sure. The video was enhanced, and as you can see, these are each of the survivors."
His superior's brow furrowed, looking at each enhanced image and the photos next to them. "If they took the tapes, how do we have a copy of this?"
The man was prepared for this. "They took the primary and backup copy for the primary camera system, which was probably blown out in the electrical explosion. This is the secondary camera, hidden behind the mirror toward the back of the store. It was not disabled by the blast, and they did not remove the recording from it." He paused for a second to let his superior process that, and then continued. "As you saw, one copy of the tape survived. We are currently trying to obtain it."
His superior shook his head. "That won't be necessary. Go ahead and make contact with them, and brief them and a few of our regulars on the... job opportunity."
With this, the meeting was over, and the superior and secretary moved to exit. The man pulled a phone from his pocket, and started dialing.
((This is a continuation of the 'It's 3am and You're Hungry Thread, showing AJ the ropes of a basic shadowrun. Apparently she already had combat down, so we're moving on to bigger and badder things! Meeting with a J! Legwork! Even A Double Cross Maybe! New players are more than welcome to jump in, but this is going to be fairly fast paced- posting once a day (at least) during the week. We'll let you have the weekends off.
If you're interested, and you haven't already, PM me a character, and let the games begin!))