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 on: December 02, 2023, 02:11:07 PM 
Started by NeoPaladin - Last post by Zone
Welcome to December, boys.  :-\

 on: November 08, 2023, 05:16:51 AM 
Started by NeoPaladin - Last post by ROOTless

 on: November 06, 2023, 09:14:04 PM 
Started by NeoPaladin - Last post by Capt_North
The power of true names.
Not the fear someone may control you with them...
Just the embarassment of having horrible parents...

 on: November 05, 2023, 02:58:10 PM 
Started by NeoPaladin - Last post by Zone
Well, that's all the arguments against silly names in a nutshell.  I have known in my life poor sods called Camper, Science, Sacred, Aryan, King, and Tequila - and that's not even touching on the girls with masculine - often aggressively masculine - names.  I assume most if not all of these will one day be in a lock down facility or at least be paying a therapist three times a week.

 on: October 20, 2023, 10:06:30 AM 
Started by NeoPaladin - Last post by ROOTless
IIRC, a British teen named 'Happy' had her name changed by court order some years ago. It was argued to be the reason for her being an aggressive somewhat violent delinquent.

 on: October 16, 2023, 11:35:12 AM 
Started by NeoPaladin - Last post by Zone
There was an historic personage with that name once, actually - Happy Rockefeller. No idea if it was her real name or not. I think I would hate to be named an adjective...or color....or any common noun for that matter....Story Blue is a 'name' not outside the realm of possibility these days, sadly.

 on: October 03, 2023, 12:40:06 PM 
Started by NeoPaladin - Last post by ROOTless
I'd assume 'happy' is fine. Unless it's for a person's name I guess.

 on: October 02, 2023, 09:45:47 PM 
Started by NeoPaladin - Last post by Capt_North
Heh, if thats the case mightbtale them several years before finally making a damn decision.. if ever.

 on: October 01, 2023, 12:13:50 PM 
Started by NeoPaladin - Last post by Zone
Happy October, y'all. 
That's assuming 'happy' is allowed any more, we may have to take it before a committee.

 on: September 19, 2023, 06:58:29 PM 
Started by Capt_North - Last post by Capt_North
Usually its not swapped to homeship til you land or fqst travel, jumpnor in system. But on occasion ive had a couple that even if i dont make the full move eill get added to my list.
One time had one i just dropped as trash and got a message saying it was returning to homebase and just started flying itself.

Lots of times swiping on planet ships it happens to, jist konda auto made your homr base, though your old ship is still where it originally landed.

Side note thats fun. Sometimes when you break into a landed ship, like with eclip, spacers, or pirates,  they eill sometimes takr off into space with you on the ship. If your lucky its while your in the modules, but had a couple times where i was in the lander whicj will glitch up and eject you out at top of atmosphere. Hope you time yout boost right for landing..

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