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Author Topic: Arawn  (Read 1840 times)


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« on: February 01, 2006, 01:54:08 PM »

     Mr. Johnson pulls into the parking garage and drives all the way to the bottom level.  He spots the gray GMC Bulldog Van and parks directly across from it flashing his lights once as his instructions had directed before turning his car off.  He slowly gets out of his car carefully watching the van.  The dark tinted windows of the van prevent him from seeing anything of its interior.
     After he closes his door and takes a few steps towards the van an androgynous voice bursts from hidden speakers on the van, “That’s close enough sir. Please open up your jacket and turn slowly in a circle.”

     The man slowly unbuttons his long expensive looking trench coat opens it up and slowly turns in a complete circle, “Satisfied?” He asks.

     “One more thing before we can get down to biz.  Are you an officer of the law?” The anonymous voice asks.


     The driver’s side door to the van opens and a small petite figure wearing a tight fitting gray Urban Explorer Jumpsuit with matching helmet steps down from the van and slowly walks over.

     “Sorry for the theatrics but a girl can never be to cautious.” Says the small figure with a slight British accent while she removes her helmet spilling long blue/black hair over her shoulders her pointed ears just poking through her fine tresses.  “My name is Arawn.  I believe you, Mr. Johnson, have a problem that needs to be handled.”

     Slightly taken aback by the sight of the diminutive female elf; sporting body armor and what looks like a large intimidating revolver in a low profile shoulder holster, The Johnson manages to stutter out “Y…y…yes. I’m looking for someone to take care of a problem…”

Awhile later…

     As Mr. Johnson gets back into his expensive sports car he briefly reflects on the negotiations.  He had paid a bit more then he intended and handed over more up front then he had planned but overall things had gone very well.  When this was done and his primary rival at the company was out of they way, the benefit to him would far out way what he had just paid.  He takes another moment to consider the fetching female shadowrunner “I hope she calls me…” he thinks to himself about the less then professional offer he had made her.  He ponders her lustrous dark hair and flashing green eyes as he fires up his car and takes off.

     After she watches the Johnson drive off, Arawn flips off her white noise generator, stops her visual and audio recorders with a mental command and heads back to her van, the engine starting up and the door opening before she reaches it.  The Johnson had been, for the most part, quite cooperative especially after he’d gotten over his shock at seeing her.  He’d obviously been expecting a Troll Enforcer or maybe a tweaked out Sammie.  She snorts softly to herself as she climbs up into the van, mentally recalling the combat and surveillance drones she’d had waiting around the garage in case the meet had turned out to be a setup.  Once all of her drones are aboard she heads out of the parking structure. “Another job well done!” she thinks to herself as she mentally dials up the team to let them know that they have a job.
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