Heheh, Also fairly scary when the minor great dragon (small side char inmy story who i think will be the one directiong them to the crater eventally...) suddenly decides that there is something over "there" *points at a very wide area* when group got their first taste of a horror;3 just little custom made home one. had some fun putting in a kinda panic system i worked out.. seeing something like that they all had to rol willpower, good roll means you get a lesser effect, bad roll worse effect, and rather then work out a list and make them roll, just had them pull slips from diff containers depending on how they did, each with diffrent effect in them, like.. they can use only their strongest weapons and attacks recklessly (small penalty) in an attempt to get rid of something that "shouldnt be" others could only attack at the maximum range of their weapon, or stuff like that, others paniced, went catatonic, or so forth. worked out fairly well, and couple people ended up blowing a good portion of their expensive ammo, not to mention quite abit of the surrounding area.. two guys had the attack from longest range slips.. one was melee guy, the other was a mage, and we got kinda confused on how to handle that considering magical ranges.. eventually just went with it, and by the time got to "max" range the fight was over. heheh. fight ended ok, no casulties, though lots of injuries and couple people in need of either new parts, or replacement parts. They liked the chase scene where they had to get away from lonestar, the body disolved melting the ground under it as the only sign it was there.. and consideing the equipment they blew (which helped get rid of some of the overpowering ammo and weapons they had) they werent gettign away with a simple slap on the wrist.. well.. maybe if the slap was done with a hammer.. a really big one.
Either way it turned out ok.. i made the monster stronger then i ment to, but it helped get the idea across that these are things you dont really want to go head to head with enless you know you got the advantage, as if the creature tearing through the fabric of reality with its own six hands/claws/tentacles (which spawned the quote of the game.. one guys chars said to one of the girls "You know.. with all the tentacles that thing has you might want to start wearing a bit more clothing.." he got extra karma for that.)
anyways, turned out pretty good.