i will admit, i do like the new dice, it gives you kind of a safety net to keep your rolls from going bad quick..
and my dad works as the network manager tech guy whats it for department of corrections, and just by listening to him i learned a good bit about wireless security, or lack of.. and as for going wireless... eh, it doesnt really bug me to completely, it struck me was weird that riggers were basicly flying wireless, but it wasnt used anywhere else.. but same time, it kinda feels almost over used..? *shrugs*
A good bit of rage from these last couple posts is from a lack of game.. Im only 2 atm, i run an only war with some friends (and having a blast) and in an exalted game.. but in exalted 90 percent of the ooc chatter is people talking about how they twinked their character and how awesome they are for it. And only war is awesome, my players are great (though one thinks we are playing Grim Derp rather then Grim Dark, but he is learning) but we only meet once a week.. and damn it! that just aint enough for me!!
I decided to retire Cap long ago as, well, he is so old, and so built up in my head, im never gonna be able to do him right in a game, so figure time to move on. Using chummer i decided to make a new character, basic street sammi. Things.. worked slowly, and frustratingly.. It would be nice if chummer let you put a max limit on how much you want to spend where, otherwise you accidently run over like i did in a couple spots (i only want.. 150 to spend in attributes, 160 for skills, 40 for contacts, ect) i know thats an easy thing to do yourself, but im not good with numbers really. So i think the some of it is, i just need another game or something, heh.
Im still working on the character (chummer keeps crashing, though nice enough to ask me to save before it closes down, which is great cause only 80 percent of the time it saves a corrupted file over my original). I ever get him done i'll post him up so you guys can take a look.