Well, I've heard that I'm a decent decker, but I've also heard that i'm an insufferable blow-hard who thinks he's too big for his own breeches.
I'm physically located in Cal-Free, but do most of my work in Seattle. (ain't technology grand?)
Generally, for my friends, I charge $5K to track someone down.
although I don't really know you, so first, You'll have to pay the $5K to be 'added to my friend's list'
if you are strapped for cash, I do accept payment in other forms. information mostly, software ocasionally, and hardware on a regular basis.
and once, for a car... although I'm still waiting on that one so it's hard to say.
let's narrow the field a bit. not all people are as easy to find as others.
if you have a tellcom number of the individual in question, I can give you a 10% discount. if you are just trying to stalk some famous Tri-D star, there's a 25% associated-press surcharge. (this can be avoided with the 'delux friend package', for $15K upfront. this also entitles you to the ocasional free favor.)
if the person you are looking for requires groundwork, there's an extra $2k-$8k fee, depending on what area it's in, and who I know in the area that I can get to do the physical labor.
now, for an additional $5K, (on top of whatever it costs to find this person) I can give you real-time tracking for up to 45 minutes. this typically involves hacking a satalite, or hiring a local drone rigger, and is good unless YOU spook the target and make them get all paranoid like.
if you'd prefer a more 'intimate' meeting with the person in question I can do one of two things.
1st, I can arrange a Meet. this is a $25K job. I will set up a virutal drop-point, where you will have the oppertunity to talk to this particular individual. I can't make them like you, but I can get you at least two sentances to warn / bribe / whatever.
2nd, I can arrange a more... intimate... encounter. this will typically involve the person in question sedated, hog-tied, and delivered to a variety of safe-houses for a blind pickup.
this service typically runs about $100K. (I normally have to hire a team, and that takes extra money)
3rd, I can arrange for the person to disapear from one location without question, and re-apear someplace else.
$500K. I have to hire a team of 'Good' Runners, plan a stealth extraction, and cover our tracks, then fordge a new identy for the individual. pulling out entire familys will get you a group rate, but depending on the particulars is negeotable.
Now, before we go any further; Let's check your credit score. are you a friend, a good-friend, or a compleate stranger?
-RuskiFace the Pirate