Like the floating brains? That's so
EVIL!Anyway, I used to have a hard-on hate for 4th edition, because I hate that every time I almost complete my collection of books, the gaming company (TSR, Wizards of the Coast, and now the many varied makers of Shadowrun) says "Nope! Sorry, those books don't work anymore! Buy these new books and support our starving artists!"
I've now been burned by: Magic the Gathering, D&D, AD&D, AD&D 2nd Edition (remember those thin red books? I got all of them. I completed my collection THE WEEK they announced that they would no longer print them, because they were releasing 3rd Edition), AD&D 3rd Edition, AD&D 3.5 Edition (they're now awaiting print of the 4th edition books), Shadowrun 2nd Edition, Shadowrun 3rd Edition, and Shadowrun Figurines.
Luckily, I never got into Heroclix or Warhammer40K. Not that I haven't wasted enough money on the science fiction/fantasy genre.

Okay, but I started getting involved with the people who write the Shadowrun stuff. Not Weisman, or the important people, but the little guys who write the Shadowrun: Missions each month. Those guys are a lot like me- working hard for little or no thanks, because they love the game. And THEY really love 4th edition, so I decided to give it a chance. And there are a lot of things that I like about 4th edition. How you can keep the group more together- things like hacking on the fly make a decker infinitely more important, without anyone having to sit there and guard their body. I like that they've scaled weapons and cyberwear, so not every troll who is someone's first character is a troll street sam with level 3 wired reflexes and a panther assault cannon.
I still miss the priority system, but I'll be honest, I have to make characters for most of my groups anyway, so it really doesn't change their experience at all. And I really would love for Shadowrun to succeed and become a national (worldwide- let's not forget those hardcore german and japanese gamers!) phenomenon.
In short, I stopped hating. There are cool things about the new system.