Ok, I just saw Dead Man's Chest, and I have to say that I liked the original movie much better than this one. It was good, and the graphics and special effects were MUCH better than the first, but it seemed to me like that was really the only thing that lived up to, and surpassed the original. The characters were kind of, I don't know, flat I guess. They didn't develop at all, just kept up with the same shtick as the original. Now, I did like the action (although the mill wheel scene was just stupid) and the different environments, but all in all, I would have to give this movie a C.
Of course, it is blindingly obvious that, and not only from the cliff-hanger ending, that this was written as a 2-part movie, so maybe the development will be postponed to the third installment. A set-up movie would be fine as long as #3 delivers the real punch. I would recomend seeing it if for no other reason as a prelude to part 3.
PS - Undead monkey = DAMN GOOD BARGAINING CHIP!!!!!