When in direct (ie Melee combat) the non-spirit character attacking doesn't use their weapon or weapon skill to hit their opponent. Rather, they roll their Willpower rating for the attack. The damage done is (Charisma)M stun damage. Combat Pool may not be used by either party. The spirit resists the damage using ONLY its force rating. A reach bonus for the weapon applies, but the other attributes of the weapon do not apply. The weapon is merely a symbol of focus for the attacker.
So if I were being accosted by a force 3 water elemental that was trying to engulf me, every combat phase I could attack it with my willpower rating. Let's say mine is 5 for example. I roll 5 dice getting 1, 3, 4, 4, 11. That's 3 successes (target number is 4, provided I haven't taken any damage from the engulf power yet) My Charisma is 3, therefore I only deal 3S stun damge to the spirit. Regardless of what the spirit rolls, I deal at least moderate stun damage to the fragger.