Ok. before i get onto the story,, just to let people know i already posted a bit of a BG and its in the old cast of the shadows... Im pretty much ignoring this and tossing it out the window. that was from way long ago when i had almost no rping or writing experience. And i've rewritten North dozens of times for games and this is the current incarnation more or less. Some parts might not match rules and other stuff, but im trying to keep to books i know and got best as possible... if you spot some thing that doesnt match a book.. either i dont got it, or dont care:P Anyways.. back to the point. mostly this is suppose to be like its being written by North Himself.... so... Heres the first bit.
Chapter 1: When the going gets weird, The weird turn pro. But what happens when it starts off weird...?
Real names aren't that important, and if you dont have a SIN. Forget it. And if you work the shadows, they are nothing but a hassle. So you leave them. Out with the trash that was your normal life, if you had one. What does matter in some weird abstract way, is your handle, alias, nickname, callsign, or what ever you want to call it. Its the name you want to be known by, and its the name you can change at the drop of a hat. Capt. North. Thats been my given name and pseudo for as long as I can remember. Been so long since I heard my first name i can hardly remember it. Usually just Capt. or North.
It was given to me by my caretakers at HERAtech. Thats short for Human Evolution Research and Technologies, The tippy tops were also rumored to have some sort of cult to the greek goddess Hera, and several other little puns bout the name as well, but more on that later. They literally bought me lock, stock, and fetus while my mother was still swelling with me. Her and my pa were couple chipheads looking for a bit of Nuyen on their sticks and one less incoming mouth to feed. So they tried what is at the same time the most expensive, and the cheapest trade in excistance, meta-human life.
Company sucked me outa her and into a tube and sent them off with jink on their sticks and chips in their heads, its possible they think/thought they had dreamed the whole thing up or something. From there the company did just what their name implies, they started tampering with me in every new and old (some very old) ways looking for that right little kick in evolution, and for large part they found it kinda. I came out stronger then then most; to be procise physically stronger, quicker to react, more durable, and all of that. There were/are some downsides... Manic/Depression, Pitbull tendancy (keep fighting till i drop, or they do, a heavy craving for real protein in true meat form. perferably rare.
They put me through all kinds of training, and i was expected to be the most perfect at it, like if i wanted to eat at meal times, i had to sneak into the cafeteria around guards. armed with gel rounds. I got pretty good at that quick. Till i got old enough to figure out i can pummel the hell out of most the guards.
Eventually, I was put in charge of my own little security team, hence the Captain. An odd little miss match, Heavy weapons specialist was a troll by the name of Jacques, frenchy with the whole accent and everything, you aint seen nothing till you seen a snooty french waiter have to take an order from a troll speaking perfect french; an elf decker named Ping, had a bod to nuke for, and the personality of a menstral dire badger, never interupt game time.. or making fun of people on boards time... or.. well.. best to just leave her be; Dwarf Phys-Ad melee weapons specialist named McCloud, had the whole scottish/irish accent and even wore a kilt; and an orc chica named Chica who doubled as our rigger and medic. These people were my family, and Chica was more, almost much more. But life always has its own plans for you and those around you.
We did our jobs good, we kept the people out and kept discrete about it. Well.. reasonably so. But no company can keep its secrets forever, especially when you pay your security guys crap and expect them to put their lives on the line all the time. In the end, we sold them out; we didnt really ask many questions, but you always find things out no matter how much you dont want to know them. HERAtech was dabbling in magic, not the warm fuzzies kind, but the kind that gets you adrift out in the Barrens equivlent of astral. Blood, toxic, and evidently even bugs was rumors.
We got to talking, and got a good plan worked out, we took all the information we had and split it, each going to diffrent companys, and within those companies to diffrent people that would be interisted, and got a little bidding feeding frenzy on the info. in the end we sold the data to each place letting them think they got the good deal and they were the only people with the info, and the next day HERAtech found themselves under the electron microscope and scalpels of the Corperate Court they had been trying so hard to keep away from.
In the end they were discected and the chunks dragged back to the big boys little underground basements where they research the exact same drek. We on the other hand, started our own little foray into the shadows. And life was good. And as every runner worth his grit knows, thats when its gonna be its worst.
And theres end of chapter 1 Yeah! Questions, comments, ect just post or private, im gonna try and post a new chapter least once or twice a week depending on how fast i get them done. Either way, let me know what you think!