I stayed up looking through websites, and this is the best one I found about ankle injuries:
http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/9339/25440.htmlIn short, if she thinks she broke her ankle (a sprain is still pretty serious, but not quite as bad as a break) she should see a doctor, and get an x-ray to make sure. There are three major bones that are usually broken in an ankle injury- and if she had two breaks (you didn't say whether they were two breaks of the same bone or two different bones), that will probably require surgery.
If she doesn't need surgery, she'll spend about two months with a cast around her foot, and then she'll need physical therapy. If she does need surgery (which is likely with multiple breaks) then it's going to take quite a bit longer. She'll still need the six months of cast time, but the surgery scars will have to heal first, and that means they'll probably have to immobalize her leg. Of course, I'm no expert, but...