...SIS has its own helicopter (unmarked but armed, capable of troop transport & repelling) and drones of several types.
SIS has a hermetic library assigned to it (on chip) and magically active SIS officers have their own magical group.
SIS has access to plant info and records into gov't databases such as Dept of Motor Vehicles and tax databases. This is for the placement of undercover operatives and undercover identities. SIS's chief decker handles this and is often used by other divisions of FedPol.
SIS has an unmarked moblie command van or small truck. It contains a dispatcher, rigger remote, intel computers and intelligence devices. As well as supplies and first aid equipment.
Captain, 2 Lieutenants, several (about 3) squads. 5 dispatcher who also serve as secretary/data pushers. 2 helicopter pilots, 1 pilot doubles as the officer in charge of SIS evidence catalogs and storage. 1 Chief decker.
Sergeant, 1 or 2 Corporals, several officers (usually cybered or physads), usually at least one of each are: mage, decker, rigger.
12 hour shifts, one on duty 24/7. Either 3 on 4 off, or 4 on 3 off, or 7 on 7 off...