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Author Topic: Alternate Campaign  (Read 2405 times)


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Alternate Campaign
« on: February 07, 2007, 10:57:25 PM »

I was reading through a couple threads and decided to make a new one with this idea.  I hear people talking about various types of campaigning.  I have piled away in my "Shadowrun Files" a campaign for a SIS officer working out of FedPol.  It's from way back during 2nd edition, but is easily covertable to 3rd edition.  Unfortunately I haven't caught up on 4th edition rules, but I'd be willing to post it if anyone is interested in it.  It's quite lengthy...but the idea is worthwhile if you have a good group that is looking for a change.

Just let me know.

<Edit: By any chance is anyone getting ready to run a PBP 3rd edition game? I'm itchy to get back in the action>
« Last Edit: February 07, 2007, 11:01:37 PM by BornKrazi »


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Re:Alternate Campaign
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2007, 01:09:43 AM »

Yes and yes. I'd love to see the idea, even if I just steal liberally from it to write my own stuff. And we're trying to get another PBP game going, but we're lacking for players.

"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re:Alternate Campaign
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2007, 04:49:55 AM »

You would probably have bnetter luck taking it into 3rd editon at this point, Krazi. I don't know anyone RL who plays 4th edition.

We do not choose this life. We do not enjoy this life. We simply live this life. Because sometimes, even the shadows need their heroes.


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Re:Alternate Campaign
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2007, 08:41:43 AM »

Well that's good to hear...I don't feel so far behind then.  And KV  I'll gladly post it here on the boards, just give me a few to dig it out.


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Re:Alternate Campaign
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2007, 08:58:26 AM »

(Okay guys I'm gonna paraphrase this cuz it's 10 pages and most of it is just background on what exactly SIS is.)


SIS is the shadow asset of FedPol.  It limits its operations to legal work, the members are police officers.  Assignments may include investigations, raids or infiltration of groups such as: shadowrunners, militias, terrorist organizations, gangs, organized crime syndicates, and others.  SIS may make quasi-legal raids on crops, where necessary to maintain the law.

SIS is semi-antonymous from the rest of FedPol and maintains its own records.  SIS maintains records links to the rest of FedPol (including filing standard forms) where appropriate.  The Captain of SIS has the authority to (and budget for) conductiong operations independent of FedPol and without their authorization or knowledge.

SIS operates out of a separate facility which is unlisted and unmarked.  It's location isn't even common knowledge to most officers.  SIS has unmarked vehicles of which could range from scooters to Blitzens to jackrabbits to americars to westwinds to cargo vans to bison to citymasters and panzers...


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Re:Alternate Campaign
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2007, 09:04:26 AM »

...SIS has its own helicopter (unmarked but armed, capable of troop transport & repelling) and drones of several types.

SIS has a hermetic library assigned to it (on chip) and magically active SIS officers have their own magical group.

SIS has access to plant info and records into gov't databases such as Dept of Motor Vehicles and tax databases.  This is for the placement of undercover operatives and undercover identities.  SIS's chief decker handles this and is often used by other divisions of FedPol.

SIS has an unmarked moblie command van or small truck.  It contains a dispatcher, rigger remote, intel computers and intelligence devices.  As well as supplies and first aid equipment.

Captain, 2 Lieutenants, several (about 3) squads.  5 dispatcher who also serve as secretary/data pushers. 2 helicopter pilots, 1 pilot doubles as the officer in charge of SIS evidence catalogs and storage. 1 Chief decker.
Sergeant, 1 or 2 Corporals, several officers (usually cybered or physads), usually at least one of each are: mage, decker, rigger.
12 hour shifts, one on duty 24/7.  Either 3 on 4 off, or 4 on 3 off, or 7 on 7 off...


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Re:Alternate Campaign
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2007, 09:14:38 AM »

Background should be compliant to a SIS/FedPol officer (you all know the deal I don't need to post all 16 questions).


NAME:  These are cops.  First and last name.
RANK: All PC's have the rank of Police Officer 3
RACE: Any human or standard metahuman.  No "other" catagory.
AGE: No less than 30, no more then 45.
YEARS OF SERVICE: Most officers begin their careers between 21 and 30. Officers must have a minimum of ten years of service to FedPol.
ATTRIBUTES: Characters must have no attributes lower then 2 and no more the 2 attributes lower then 3.
KARMA POOL: Start with 1d6-1
SKILLS: All character have the following skills at the level list below or greater (note: this was 2nd edition):
     Firearms 3
     Unarmed Combat 3
     Armed (Baton) 3
     Criminal Law 2
     FedPol procedures 3
     Stealth 2
     Corp Etiq 1
     Street Etiq 2
     Car 1
     Any two knowledge skills 2
     All the above skills (at the listed levels) cost the character 10 building points

CYBER: All cyberware must be cleared by FedPol (aka GM).
VEHICLE: Personally owned vehicles maybe be purchased.  FedPol will assign 1 unmarked cruiser to each SIS officer.  Players are encouraged to make request for certain vehicles.  SIS vehicles are not "crusier-type", no one will receive an unmarked Patrol-1
CYBERDECK: It would be suspicious for a FedPol officer to own his own, they are assigned.
CONTACTS: 5 Free contacts, all of which must be FedPol officers or personal of equal or lesser rank.
FEDPOL CONTACTS: May be purchased and encouraged. Only one can be more than two grades in rank above character (this costs 8000)...


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Re:Alternate Campaign
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2007, 09:21:56 AM »

(below listed costs 8 building points total and is not purchased from Resources).  All armor/gear/weapons are assigned by FedPol for standard duty.

Vest w/ Plates, Secure Jacket (where appropriate)
Ruger Thunderbolt
2 spare clips
AZ-150 Stun baton
Back-up weapon (any handgune with usually high concealability)
   1 spare clip
Portable Radio
Pepper Spray
2 pair metal handcuffs
Biotech gloves (note: what exactly are these?)

Armor as appropriate
Service & back-up weapon
Portable radio
1 pair metal handcuffs

Mossberg shotgun
D.S. Shock Taser
M22A2 Assault Rifle (w/ Grenade Launcher)
20 Plastic strip restraints
6 Metal handcuffs
1 Pulsecuffs
2 Mage masks
1 Blood tester
2 Headjammers
5 Jackstoppers
2 SkillTwitchers
1 DNA Scanner
1 Cyberwear scanner
1 Binoculars
4 Biotech gloves
1 Kevlar Gloves
50 rounds extra ammo for all weapons
Medium Security Armor
Earplug radio (special & regular freq.)

LIFESTYLE: Characters make 40,000/year which is 3,333/mo.

Okay that is basically it, it also has edges/flaws as well as specialized units you can play (ex: Fraud Unit, Robbery, Sex Crimes, etc)  IT also has a list of the current chain of command if interested.  Hope everyone enjoys and let me know what you think.
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