[12-12-62] Okay, so my day went from bad to worse. Those corp guys came back, and said that they were starting to investigate me, and I should come clean and save myself the hassle. I was a little pissed, because I got promoted right before the accident, and they were talking down to me like I was a gutter trash criminal.
I heard my Dad and Micky talk about strong-arm tactics, but I had never seen anyone use them before, so I did what my Dad and Micky always said about it- I stonewalled. I told them I didn't have anything to give them, and I didn't have anything to hide, so they could investigate all they wanted.
I mean, I had run a few errands for Micky, but that stuff was off the books, so there's really no way they could have known.
[12-13-62] The therapist kept asking me about Micky when she came today. It's creepy, it's like she's in my head. I've been thinking about Micky ever since the suits came by yesterday, and it's screwing with me.
[12-14-62] Yeah, she kept at it again today. And the suits posted a guard at my hospital room door, saying I was "a possible flight risk," frag, it's not like they paid for anything that's in me anyway.
[12-15-62] Milo was my bright point today- he came and BSed his way past the door guard, and he, Jenny and I all talked about going to the club. It should be right before Christmas when I get out, but they're both going to be free, so we're going to do it. After Jenny left, Milo looked at the door for a while.
I asked him what he was thinking about, and he said "Nothing," but I knew he was thinking about her. I told him that I would take one for the team, and meet the friend, and he could hook up with her. I mean, I like her, but bros before hoes, right?
[12-16-62] The therapist asked me today about my chauvinistic tendencies. I wonder if she gets to read the stuff that I put in here. That would be akward. Especially since I've been picturing her naked, sweaty and moaning every time we've been meeting for the last two months.
Hahahahha... just kidding, Milo told me that sometimes when a therapist is worried about a patient, they can ask the corporate board to give them access to personal stuff, so they can better treat the patient. I wondered if she had been reading this thing, but Milo said it was pretty rare, so it wasn't likely she would be able to.
[12-17-62] Oh. Frag. I think she does read it. Because when she was scheduled to come today, she was running late, and looking a little flushed, and she couldn't look me in the eye. I mean, I'm not bad looking, other than the patch, but ... wow. Oops. That last entry was just meant to be a joke. No sexual frustration or fantasy to read about here.
[12-17-62] Okay, I've thought about it for a while, and I'm a little pissed that the would invade my privacy like that. I mean, they gave me the thing so I could have an outlet, not so they'd have an easier time spying on me. I mean, I don't mind the therapist, because it's supposed to help or whatever.
[12-18-62] The therapist told me. She said that after Micky died, she started reading my entries because she was worried about me, which was actually kind of cool of her. After she told me about it, I confessed that I was embarrassed about imagining her naked, and she blushed bright red. Which was funny. I think it makes us a little more even, even if it was just a joke.
Jenny said she thought it was funny, and mentioned that Milo asked if she wanted to have a late dinner after work. I told her to go for it- Milo is a good guy, and I don't care if she dates him. He's also the only one who visits me regularly. And I'm already meeting the friend, so that's okay.
[12-19-62] Release date is getting closer and closer! They're letting me work out in the gym here in the hospital, which means I'm picking up the muscle mass that I lost while in bed. They traded my gauze eyepatch for a normal white one, because they're still trying to calibrate it correctly. I don't know if the nurse knows I got the upgraded cyberwear or not, but he's just doing the normal calibration, and I need the infrared calibration as well.
[12-20-62] My therapist asked me about the promotion today. I guess I mentioned it in one of these things, and I hadn't told her about it before.
Okay, so before the accident, I had been promoted from patrol to light security. Those are the guys in armor who respond to building intrusions, keeping out riff-raff and squatters, and criminals. Stuff like that. I had been working on my training on my off-time, and they had already sent me the armor and weapon and I was ready to go, and I just had to finish out my patrolling shifts before they could start assigning me to buildings as security.
I was on my second to last shift, and my partner, Eddy, and I were driving around, patrolling our area. There was a flash of light, which we responded to, and we saw an explosion near the garage. I was driving, so I pulled the car in front of the garage, when this huge monster-truck of destruction, with tank plating armor and three different miniguns mounted on it rolls over us. Eddy was in the passenger side, and I think he died in the crash. I don't even remember the thing hitting us- just seeing it, and then waking up in the hospital.
Apparently they expected me to have some brain damage, but I don't. Thank god. Speaking of which, I really meant it when I told Father McLawrence that I was going to start coming back. He's a good guy, and I can't imagine what hoops they made him jump through to get in here.
Oh, and one other bit of news- Jenny and Milo are dating now. Jenny is a lot nicer to me now, and Milo is pretty damn happy about it.
[12-21-62] Okay, so the suits are pretty unhappy with my cyberwear- they say it was "unwarranted" and that it should be removed. Dr. Walters went to bat for me, though, saying that my optic nerve was having a hard enough time healing, without yanking out old cyberwear and installing new stuff.
I thought it was pretty cool of him, and he patted me on the shoulder and left. The suits thought I had made some sort of deal to get the cyber, but I told them I honestly just asked for it to be installed, and my Dad's pension account happened to have enough to cover it.
They didn't like that, but they bought it, so they left me alone. Hopefully for good. I mean, I put any extra money I made into my Dad's pension fund, and it was from another company, so they can't check on it.
[12-22-62] Two more days before I get out! I got some bad news- Dr. Walters said that my optic nerve isn't healing quite fast enough, so I'll have to wear a patch over the eye and come in for checkups. He said they had the eye calibrated correctly, so within a week or so, if he saw good progress with the healing, that he would fire it up and we'd check the calibrations. I'm excited. A little nervous to meet Jenny's friend with an eyepatch, though. At least he promised to get me a black one before I left. I don't want to wear a "white white, look at my eyepatch it's white!" eyepatch to a club.
[12-23-62] One day to go! The therapist said I'm making good progress, but I should keep seeing her. I smiled when she said that, just because I thought of the time I joked about picturing her naked and everything, but I don't know if she knew what I was smiling about. She said I can keep the pocket computer, and update it whenever I want. I laughed and said if I had any more sex dreams about her, I'd let her know, in case she didn't have a chance to read it every day, and she laughed too. She is kind of cute, but a little too old for me. God, I hope she doesn't read that.
[12-24-62] I'm outta there! Oh, hell yes. I promised Father McLawrence that I would go to mass, so I did, even though it was boring and everyone asked about my eye and told me like six years too late that they were sorry about my dad. It was good to see some of the old people though- they were always nice to my mom. But I probably won't see them again until at least Easter.
So, I'm going out with Jenny and Milo and her friend tonight, and I'm a little nervous. I had to get some new shirts, because I've actually bulked up a little more than I was before my accident, and I wanted to show it off. But I don't know how my dancing is going to be. Nervous nervous nervous!