Well this is now my second try at posting this. I timed out the first time. Anyway this is from
Blackjack's Shadowrun Page. I'm not even sure if the site still exists, I didn't even bother to check. I printed this document on September 30, 1996, the day it was posted. In addition to the ideas I also have several Random Tables (i.e. Random Allergy, Random Cyberdeck Part Table, Random Shadowruns, etc). Just a side note to how big of a nerd I am, I keep these in plastic protectors!
Ideas 1-2501. Hallowed Ground: Take a sample of earth from spiritual lands located deep within an enchanted forest.
02. Hear The Rain: Search through Indian badlands for the mysterious Running Rain and obtain his secret of weather control.
03. Truth: Gather video footage of a Politition's nightly excursions for his election opponent.
04. Walking On Water: Eliminate a gang of assassins whose leader claims to be Jesus Christ.
05. Never Tell: Deliver a computer message from one place to another and not tell it's secret when it accidentally goes off.
06. Sweet Misery: Capture a man who has been magically inducing suicide all over the city.
07. A Fire Burns: Capture a professional arsonist before he escapes to another country.
08. Almost: Find a way to eliminate a man who has the power to act upon actions before they happen.
09. An Interlude: Stop an assassin who is to eliminate a famous conductor during the interlude between music.
10. Field Of Mars: Protect a mars mission rocket from attack by those who wish to steal it.
11. Just For You: Deliver an exploding package to the four year old daughter of a corporate official.
12. Secret Corner: Shut down the Secret Corner bar which is supposedly an establishment for drug dealers.
13. In Your Eyes: A runner must locate the creator of an exploding cyber eye and find a way to reverse it's effects.
[I'm under the assumption the eye is implanted in the runner looking for it.]14. Taken: Rescue a young girl from the clutches of a psychotic, murderous go gang.
15. Balloon Man: Stop the infamous Balloon Man before he gives a cyanide filled balloon to another child.
16. Dear God: Close the gates to a supposed "Highway to Heaven" for a group of Satanists.
17. Stone Roses: Travel to a castle inhabited by a Medusa and destroy it.
18. Fools Gold: Get revenge upon a small company who sold the wrong group of tough guys land filled with fools gold.
19. Time To Return: Rescue a group of commandos from the forest where they are believed to be held captive.
20. Wasteland: Journey through a nuclear blasted wasteland in search of a radioactive orb.
21. Shut Your Mouth: Frighten the hell out of a Yakuza boss and explain that he should not mess with the mob.
22. Killing Moon: Capture a man who kills only by the light of a full moon.
23. Orange Crush: Defeat the Orange Crush battle brawl team in a tournament.
24. 10 Past 8: Destroy a corporate warehouse at exactly ten past eight p.m.
25. Gold Canyon: Steal a large gold stone from an Indian cave and keep half the profits.