Actually, the thing I liked the most about the Hitman games was that you could be as violent or as reserved as you wanted to be. Me, I don't mind fulfilling the mission, but I don't want to go all psycho and start shooting nuns as I run down the street, just because they're there. My little brother does.
So when I played through it, I did it with minimum intrusion- I only hurt the guy I was there to hit, and I snuck around everyone else, and no one even knew I was there. It was pretty cool. But it was a lot of work. So for everyone who took the professional route, there are going to be a hundred kids out there who go the route of the 'newbie shadowrunner' and kill everything in sight.
So I'm worried that the movie will reflect their attitudes more than mine. If it did, I would have a hard time watching it. But I will agree, it does look pretty bad-hoop.