Yeah, I was really happy with this. I don't know what everyone else got out of it, but it was an awesome blend of high-tech now with the nostalgia that I felt for the series.
Warning: This really is a kid's movie.
Anyway, the colors are bright and vibrant, and the actors really are playing cartoon characters, so they ham it up a little bit. Speed never kisses his girlfriend, and the monkey eats a bunch of candy without dying.

The villains are predictable, but hey, it's a kids show.
Watching this movie made me remember how I felt the first time I saw anime- the characters were smooth, the lines were different. I grew up watching cartoons, but this was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was beautiful.
Anyway, that's how I felt watching this movie- the colors are vibrant and beautiful, the characters are fun, the storyline is simple and happy, and the acting is pretty good, given that the characters are spouting lines that sound like they were fed from a twenty-year-old anime movie.