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Author Topic: Warhammer 40k: Dark Heresy  (Read 3222 times)


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Warhammer 40k: Dark Heresy
« on: February 23, 2008, 03:37:54 AM »

Ok. First new RPG book in a while, and i like it..
It follows warhammer fairly well, which is good since its made by the same people.

Basicly your playing an inquisitors errand boys/girls, people they have recruited for whatever reason to watch over a planet or area while he is off laying the smack down on xenos, deamons, and heretics (or those suspected of being heretics..). It runs by a class system that works fairly well, you gain XP and you spend it on talents and skills, and as you get more XP you go up in ranks, which gets you more cash from your inquisitor backing, and access to new talents and such... Only problem i got is it kinda takes all the fun out of customization, you can make original characters each time, but its unlikely your going to be able to play a rather focused character starting off by buying a couple talents, like if you want a guardsman who can use a chain sword and a gun at the same time and attack with both, your going to have to wait for a long while, no buying talents ahead of time. But it does give it more of the feel that your a nobody who is starting down the road to something bigger.. though in WH thats not always good as it could be something like a blood thirster..

You only have humans as a viable race, which it should be, Inquisition + Xenos = bang-bang chop-chop. You do have the option to play Psykers and members of the Machine Cult Of Mars. Psykers are bound to the throne of terra with usual side effects from that, and tech-adepts are rather.. machiny, and neither would reall become an inquisitor, retinue maybe, but full inquisitors go a diffrent path from sanctioned psykers, and the tech-adepts are loyal to the machine cult.

Im kinda of planning a game along a slightly diffrent idea.. Inquisitorial College. Characters careers are only archtypes to help get started. Talents and skills remain the same, but you can guy ahead at a higher cost (like, normal cost times the ranks short of normal training you are) for in "class" talents and skills, but require no trainer as they are along the lines of your development, and outside ones cost a bit more, but require a trainer to teach you them.

Characters would start off at about age... *shrugs* 15-20 and have been hand picked for training in the Inquisitorial college, once there there are only 3 ways out. You become an inquisitor, you are attached to an inquisitors retinue, or you die. Durring their training they learn how the inquisition works, and why it has to work that way, at the same time keeping an eye out for planted "students" there to tempt or throw them off, as well as older students who havent been able to go on and are working their frustrations out on other students to keep them back....

What do you guys think?
America... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.
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