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Author Topic: Fallout 3  (Read 2484 times)


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Fallout 3
« on: November 02, 2008, 07:58:29 AM »

Anyone else played this sucker yet?

Not too sure if anyone else has played the previous Fallout games (i.e. 1, 2, Tactics, and the mentally deficient PS2 Brotherhood of Steel) but I have played them all. I bought this thing basically with every intention of being disappointed due to my incredible bias of someone new creating a Fallout game. However I was proven 100% wrong.

Decent storyline, fast combat, and all the little quirks that make up a Fallout game. My score is a 9.5 out of 10.
So any Fallout nuts out there give this one a shot. You will be hard pressed to be disappointed.


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Re: Fallout 3
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 05:50:22 PM »

I haven't. Don't have a console. I'm playing Warhammer Online
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Re: Fallout 3
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 09:23:37 PM »

Hi Pipboy.
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Re: Fallout 3
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2008, 07:36:51 AM »

'Sup pimp.


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Re: Fallout 3
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2008, 11:13:08 AM »

I'm actually really excited to play this- I'm a huge fan of the games (not as big a fan as PB, but still), and this looks to be a new chapter of the old saga, not just a new game in the same setting.

From what I've heard, the dark humor is there, the combat is awesome, and the storyline rocks.

Has anyone played it?

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Re: Fallout 3
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2008, 07:58:08 AM »

..'pearantly not
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Re: Fallout 3
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2008, 04:50:18 PM »

I did, it was pretty awesome, though, i had the PS3 version, and evidently bethseda hates the PS3 as it was buggy as all hell, and is getting no extra content or anything from them.. doing the G.O.A.T tests the game froze on me 5 times before working proper, and froze up another 10 more in general play..

My big complaints are it feels to much like playing Oblivion with guns.. Its a great game, and its fun, (its missing the pop culture referances that one and 2 had which makes me sad), but the entire time i keep expecting an elf or redguard to pop out..doesnt help they used all the same voices from Oblivion more or less. and another is how slow you move!!! You walk like ou have two cyber zombie trolls holding onto your ankles being dragged! And you never get any faster! You get slower when you wear heavy armor and carry heavy weapons, or get your legs injured. The problems with this is it means you cannot run from combat. At all. all the NPCs, enemies, and whatever all move faster then you. so all you can do is stand and fight.
this becomes a real problem of "ladeda im walking through the wastes to find this town.." in traveling as it takes forever to walk somewhere new. Fast travel doesnt help enless you've been there, and FT has its own problems.. you cant use it if combat is happening, which is cool, i can see that totally.. kinda.. But heres the problem.. If you go to some random outpost in hopes of getting to point B faster there is a chance it can be overrun by the raiders you killed last time (respawns, which is cool.. except here...) but, rather then place you on the outside of the space, they put you right in the middle of the group as if you had been there the whole time.. The problem witht his is there are usually about 7 people with guns. not to bad.. if you dont mind dying and restarting. later on, bit worse, they get things like rocket launchers, but dont hesitate to use them at close range.. like, point blank. and, the best is on rare occasion.. they might have a fat man.. a micro nuke launcher. the problem is the NPCs have no sense of self preservation, i've seen people throw grenades at me, then charge, only to get caught by their own grenades. and like said, rocket launcher point blank.

I've forgotten most of what i had to say as the power ent out nearly 6 hours ago.. so i migth add more later, but as stands, i'd say.. 7.5 outta 10. good game, and some good replayability, but the flaws are pretty big and bad.
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Re: Fallout 3
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2008, 07:55:23 PM »

Good feedback man. Its certainly not the Holy Grail of Fallout (or any game). I've never played Obilivion but one of the guys at work has and he keeps referencing the two of them. Me personally...I was expecting horrible things so I was very pleasantly suprised by the whole experience. Like I said before I was a Fallout junkie. But you're right about its short comings. I've got the XBox 360 version so the glitches are minimal for me. But its also lacking certain things in it that the other versions had. For instance...the dark humor just isn't there. Also no corny Star Trek or Monty Python references. Maybe not the focal point of the other games but they added character to them. And you're right on about the NPC's. You should be able to have more control over them. In Fallout 2 you can direct their combat styles, how often they use stimpaks, when the decide to run away..etc, etc,. Plus you can only have one plus Dogmeat. One of the funniest things in 2 was having a whole herd of NPC's following you around, arguing amongst themselves and making the whole party seem like a bad family vacation.

Still I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10.1. I'm kinda hoping that it'll be like Grand Theft Auto (the earlier versions at least) and they'll improve it as more games come out.



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Re: Fallout 3
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2008, 11:20:17 AM »

Ok, i remember the rest of my gripes now.
Some other problems i had was the "variety" of weapons. energy weapons had like.. 7 theres bout.. 2 lasers and to plasma (pistols and rifles) a gatling laser, and 2 alien blasters, one of which was nigh impossible to find. and what else bugged me was the look of the lasers.. in the other fallout games they look awesome, like a laser should.. in 3 they were like these weird boxy peices of junk. their damage was horrible to...

Smallguns.. there was about 2 guns for each ammo type..
.32: small revolver and hunting rifle (damage level was you can point and laugh as someone was shooting you)
10mm: pistol, smg, chinese pistol and silenced 10mm pistol
12 guage: sawn off and combat shotgun
44 mag: scoped revolver
556: assault rifle and Chinese assault rifle
308: Sniper Rifle
and a bb gun. not a whole lot of selection compared to the previous games..

Heavy weapons theres a smaller selection
missile launcher
and Fatman (micro nuke launcher)

Melee actually has the largest selection, but is useless enless you stealth since enemies can run faster then you can so they tend to keep their distance..

And there are like, a couple extras you can make from Schematics, but they are hard to find, and it seems as soon as you find them the parts you need to collect dissappear from the game as soon as you need them.

My other big equipment gripe is they put in a durability on weapons and armor, and to repair it you have to take it to a shop and pay out the nose, or buy/find extra items of the same kind and use them to fix it. its ok an all.. but your durability goes down fast, and alot of the good items are hard to find to repair! I liked not having to spend 5 hours going from shop to shop and hunting raiders just so i can find a combat shotgun to repair my main weapon, and when i do find one its in worse condition then the one i have! And repair doesnt mean you fix them better, it determins the level you can fix them to. so rather then that item you spent looking forever for repairing more, it only repairs so much, but you can repair it to a higher level. its done in an attempt to keep people from having an uber-death gun at the begining of the game because all weapons are at about 10 percent durability, which means you do almost no damage, and its gonna die on you. Soon.

And yes.. it is missing the dark humor and pop culture referances from the past games which made a major part of it. The thing that made me love the first one when i first played it was killing sheriff kenny, and the pip boy pops up a message going "Oh my god! you killed Kenny! You bastard!!". or finding a group of BOS paladins and squires searching for the holy grail. or finding the carcass of a sperm whale that had fallen from space.

ANd a gripe, but its pssibly just me.. was the lack of any sort of vehicle. something to zip around in along the wastes, and store your extra crap in, it would have made things so much nicer.. Though, when i did realize that there wasnt going to be any vehicles i found it fun to go around shooting the cars until they would set on fire, then explode in a micro mushroom cloud from their fusion batteries going off... the best part is when you find a raider camp where all the walls and all are made of cars... hehehe

anyways.. i think thats all the gripes i got for the game.. and dont take it all to heart, its just my opinion, give it a try for yourself, rent it or borrow or wait for a magical trip from the pirate fairy.
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Re: Fallout 3
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2009, 01:45:09 PM »

I've played Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics (bleh!), and now Fallout 3.

Yes, it's Oblivion with a make over.  But I liked Oblivion, and I liked Fallout 3 also.  Agreed it's missing the dark humor of the first two games, but Bethesda tried (i.e. Republic of Dave, the mormon compound; finding out about the other vaults in the area).  I saw pretty much everything in the game, so I don't plan to play it again.  I also saw a few of the different endings... so yeah.

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