The answer is yes and no, as I recall.
What you want is on p. 173 of the core SR3 book (I'm assuming SR3 here, seeing as how I consider SR4 a nightmare legend along the lines of Highlander 2).
You cannot manifest as per the spirit power, with all those condition.
But you can become visible/audible to creatures in the real world.
This is a manabased ("psychic") effect, and machines will ignore you, and you will be intanglible, so can't move stuff about.
You're still astal, so you can't even cast spells at non-astral targets (I think), but you can indeed communicate with your team.
Please remember though that probably less than 1% of the total population are trained magicians, and even fewer are full magicians, capable of full astral projection.
As opposed to cell phones, which will soon outnumber humans, if they don't already.