okay, so I procrastinated way too long on the hacker, and built something I didn't like at the last minute. Therefore, I decided to go for something a little strange. Here it is, tell me what you guys think.
Lucky Lefty
Physical Attributes |
Body 3[7]| 20BP
Agility 3[7]| 20BP
Reaction 3(5)| 20BP
Strength 3[7]| 20BP
Mental Attributes |
Charisma 3 | 20BP
Intuition 3 | 20BP
Logic 3 | 20BP
Willpower 3 | 20BP
Mystical Attributes |
Edge 8 | 75BP
Essence 3.7 |
Derived Attributes |
Initiative 8 |
IP's 1(3)|
Lucky 20BP
Combat Paralysis -20BP
SINner - 5BP
Spirit Bane (beast) -10BP
Active Skills
Athletics Group 2 20BP
Close Combat Group 3 30BP
Firearms Group 4 40BP
Stealth Group 1 10BP
Resources 46BP
Contacts (24BP) L C
Sammie (fixer) 3 4
Louie (street doc) 6 2
"The Wolf" 3 6 //yeah, if you've seen Pulp Fiction, it's THAT guy.
Synaptic Booster 2 -1ess 160,000
Obv. Full Left Arm -1ess 15,000
---+4 Str 1,000
---+4 Agility 1,000
---+4 Body 800
---Retractable Spur -.3 ess 1,800
Cyberyes package 3 1,000
---Flare Compensation 750
---Low Light 1,000
---Thermographic 1,000
---Vision Enhance 3 4,500
Datajack -.1 1,000
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit [6/6] 500
Helmet [0/+2] 50
Ingram Smartgun X 650
Reg Ammo 160 rounds 320
3 spare clips 15
Hammerli 620s 650
Reg Ammo 30 rounds 60
3 spare clips 15
Streetline Special 100
int. smartgun 100
Reg ammo 10 rnds 40
3 spare clips 15
Lifestyle-Low, paid 12 months 12,000
Gold Doc-Wagon contract 25,000
Greg Thoreau--Lucky Lefty
Always a lucky one, Greg was once a Shiawase employee, deviable assets division. The crash left his public identity intact, but Shiawase "lost" him. They're also not too keen about him running around with keys to a closet full of skeletons. Not that he'd tell, they treated him about as well as could be expected, given his department. They haven't pissed him off that much...yet. Now he's stuck in a crappy little apartment on level 30, taking milk runs to support it and the repair bills on his "Lucky" arm. He's a left now, wasn't alsays the case. He lost that arm on a particularly bad job, and got it replaced with street flash. The new arm's just hands down better, so he used it in preference to his native born flesh. He works through Sammie, a local fixer, who draws the occasional big job. Lefty's still waiting for one. He made a point of befriending Louie, the doc who put his arm in, and occasionally does "Repo" work for him. Once of Twice, he's been "Lucky" enough to be in for repairs when a disgruntled customer came back, looking for blood. Doc Louie isn't one for fighting himself, but Lucky took care of that.
Another reason for Lucky's success is his friend "The Wolf." He's a shamanic cleaner who Lucky knows from his days in Shiawase. They've had a long, mutually profitable relationship, and Wolf can clean up almost anything Lucky and his pal's get themselves into.