Hey, I thought I would dig up the 4th Edition Character builder for Shadowrun, give it a whirl.
I promised that I would try and make a decker character (hacker upgrading from 3rd edition matrix to 4th edition), so here he is: My namesake, Kid_Vid.
I made this using Daegun's SR4 character generator, found here:
http://daegann.free.fr/page.php?id=241 (the first link is the program- the site is in french, the program is in english)
Metatype : Human
Body: 3
Agility: 2
Reaction: 3
Strength: 3
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 4
Logic: 5
Willpower: 5
Edge: 2
Initiative: 7
Essence: 5.55
Knowledge Skills
English : N
UCAS Politics (Seattle) : 3
History (American) : 2
UCAS Politics : 1
Literature (Sci-Fi) : 2
Military (Special Forces) : 2
Security Design (Matrix) : 2
Security Procedures : 1
Crook Hangouts : 2
Lone Star Procedures : 2
Pirate Trid Broadcasts : 2
Smuggling routes : 3
Black Markets : 2
Current Events : 2
Japanese : 2
German : 2
Sioux : 2
Active Skills
Climbing : 1
Gymnastics : 1
Running : 1
Swimming : 1
Con : 1
Etiquette : 1
Leadership : 1
Negotiation : 1
Disguise : 1
Inflitration : 1
Palming : 1
Shadowing : 1
Pistols (Semi-Automatics) : 2
Dodge : 3
Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts) : 3
Negotiation : 2
Computer : 4
Cybercombat : 3
Cybertechnology (Headware) : 1
Data Search : 3
First Aid (Combat Wounds) : 1
Hacking : 4
Hardware (Commlink) : 2
Hardware (Maglocks) : 2
Software : 4
Positive Qualities
Natural Hardening
Negative Qualities
Media Junkie (Mild)
Day Job 1
Compulsive 1
Reduced (Sense) 1
In Debt 2
Commlink (4/5)
Data Lock (Encryption 3)
Math SPU
Ares Predator IV
No Armor
No Vehicles
Commlink : Transys Avalon
Response Upgrade (3)
Signal Upgrade (2)
+ Hardening (Rating 3)
Jammer, Directional (Rating 4)
Tag Eraser
White Noise Generator (Rating 2)
Ultrawideband Radar Sensor (Rating 1)
Professional Camera
Super-Telephoto Lens
MFI (L:1 C:3)
Dr. Leo Hofsteader (L:1 C:2)
Professor of Matrix Technology, Seattle U
Wachoa (L:1 C:1)
Pueblo smuggler
Codeslinger (10) +2 dice for Matrix actions
Natural Hardening (10) +2 dice for resisting matrix-based damage
Chatty (5) +3 dice for social tests on the Matrix (-1 for all others)
Obscure (5) -2 dice for searches done about him
Incompetent: Driving (5) -1 dice for all driving and piloting skills
SINner (5) Bona Fide member of UCAS
Media Junkie - Mild (5) Must spend 2 hours a day surfing the matrix, or make withdrawl
Day Job 1 (5) 10 hours a week
Compulsive 1 (5) Compulsively clean
Reduced Sense - Sight (5) Needs glasses (no cybereyes, doesn't affect Matrix)
In Debt 2 (10) 15K in debt, must make 1500Y payments every month.