Hello everyone,
I'm trying to seek some advices for a dronomancer i'm building, because i am kinda new in this type of gameplay...
Note that we start at 500 points and that the GM allows us one stat at 5 and one at 6 (which is resonance for me as he considers it a stat).
We can also have one skill at 6 and one at 5 or 3 at 5.
Name : Pepper
Age : 17
Race : Human (still hesitating with elf but well).
Stats :
Body 3
Agi 2
Rea 2
Str 2
Cha 4
Int 4
Log 5
Will 4
Res 6
Edge 4
Cracking 4
Electronics 4
Compiling 5
Registering 5
gunnery 4
Pilot ground craft 3
Dodge 4
Paragon (Daedalus) 5
Media junky Mild -5
Day job limited -5
Compulsive behavior : jumping into combat drones -10
Flashbacks (common) -10
1 contact 4/6 - mechanician (as i got no mecha skill)
1 contact 2/2 - Fixer
Knowledge skills :
Matrix security 6/6
Matrix games 4/6
Club music 4/6
English : N
Cantonese / Chinese / Japanese : 4
Korean : 3
Complex forms :
Scan / Browse / Armor / Stealth / Sniffer : 4
Exploit / ECCM : 5
Command / Spoof / Black Hammer : 6
Gear :
Docwagon standard 1 y
1 month middle class
1 form fitting full body suit
1 urban explorer jumpsuit
Fake SIN lvl 4
3x Fake licence lvl 4 (GMC truck, Combat drone, Police drone)
Vehicles (drones are rigged):
1 Wuxing crimson samurai with Ares LMG + Nade Launcher
1 Ford LEBD-1 with Ares Assault rifle (lvl 9 armor upgrade)
1 Aztechnology Armadillo
1 GMC bulldog stepvan
- Rigging
- Morphing plate
- Chameleon coating
- Drone rack large
- Drone rack small x2
- Spoof chip
- Medium amenities
- Signature masking lvl 3 (we are authorized of 1 item above 12).
Gear costs about 135k, if we include the 300 H-XP rounds and the few H XP nades.
I don't know if it's possible to smartlink guns attached to drones in case of jumping in.
I'd like to know also if it's possible to increase the sensor rating of 3 of the different drones as it contributes to firing.
Char will mostly throw machine sprites in the drones to fight for her and will also go in the wuxing for some fun.
As i'm totally new to S4R i don't know if i did any major mistake on that char, so any help would be appreciated !
Thx a lot