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Author Topic: Curious Idea... for playing an elder character...  (Read 3656 times)


  • Fresh Fish
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Curious Idea... for playing an elder character...
« on: September 21, 2011, 05:48:27 AM »

Doubt seriously being seen but just need to get it out of my head more or less...

Had this idea for a character after playing a game a week ago which more or less exceeds standard rules for negative traits... a +75 of negative traits just to create the character that running rampant in my mind... I had thought of it as being a character I would play but given the excess building it probably end up a npc in an adventure...

Her base concept is that she a renown Seattle doctor of some years (Born 1956 and survived) who has become been turned into a big interest by the media when she was found among various body parts of missing gang sub bosses and prominent figures.  She has only one positive quality which is an improved Logic.  And she has a smattering of negative traits to include;
Combat Paralysis 20 (which I feel would be appropriate for the character given shes was not a combatant to begin with in her life)
Incompetent [Swim] 5 (which ties to character background)
Infirm 20 (reflecting her age)
Sensitive System 15 (reflecting her cybernetics implants that at the time were just up and coming in the world [maybe adjusted once I get the augments pinned down from other book once its unpacked])
SINner 10 (Recently convicted [Had a SIN since she is not from the streets])
Weak Immune System 5 (Again Cybernetics)

She has a few more but the character is on the laptop -.-

Anyways  her abilities are pretty much in the low end of things for physical aspects 1 str, 1 agi, 1 bod, and a wil of 1 to reflect a broken spirit in things.

She has cybernetics that allowed her to return to the field of medicine after an attack at Seattle Gen in which she lost her right arm and the use of her eyes.  Obvious right arm cybernetics which include Cyber schapels (Razors) and Defib Unit in the palm (Shock Pad) [again augments do have a medkit for cybernetics which I will pin down later since still creating character] Touch Link (with Biomoniter) for reading patient stats.

This is more or less where her negatives help to go...

Her combat is very poor Only has Pistols 1, Blade 4, Unarmed 2...
much everything else goes into Biotech Group 4, Social Group 3, and one other that escapes me since the Laptop has her character sheet I was working on...

Probably wondering why Blade 4... since I do wonder about that myself... but then she is a doctor that could do emergency surgery.. and could probably nick just the right spot on you for some serious problems since Knowledge's are all Anatomy for each Meta-human types.

Thou she does have Bioware which more or less comes after some of her original cybernetics shes still an Old women who has fallen into being known as roughly the Butcher...

Part of me thinks that were I GM I might allow this so long as the Player understands that their character despite Cybernetics and Bioware is still old and barely skirting the living with an essence of barely 1... but yea...

Thoughts anyone... barbecue if she would not make good character I may see about writing a story for her XD

Ingo Monk

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Re: Curious Idea... for playing an elder character...
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2011, 01:47:08 PM »

A very interesting character!  She would be very tough to play if your GM loves to put you into combat, but it wouldn't be impossible at all. 

A good background story helps you get into the character when playing, however my only concern would be her age.  Granted that the advanced technology and medical science would extend the lifespan of people, but if she were born in 1956 she would be 114 years old in 2070 (SR4)!  Again, not to say impossible, but the probability of someone living to that age, even in a semi-realistic science fiction setting, is quite low in my opinion.  Though if you were playing in the SR2 setting of 2053 then she'd be 97, which is a little more probable.

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Re: Curious Idea... for playing an elder character...
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2011, 10:32:27 PM »

Sounds like you have a good grasp on the character- I'd recommend writing out the story, see if your GM is interested in letting you play her (sometimes it's easier to show someone than to tell them). If you have a good story in your head, share it with him (or her), and go from there.

If the story isn't coming out the way that you're wanting, I doubt you'll like the way a super-lethal Shadowrun would go for the centarian doctor. If you're interested with the history without the rheumatic fever, arthritis, and liver spots, consider Leonization- the sci-fi equivalent of the Fountain of Youth. Super expensive, and not everyone can afford it, but maybe she blew the last of her fortune to get it, cling to life for another five years?

My question is why she would be running the shadows- there are plenty of jobs a doctor can take, even legal ones. If she has legal troubles, there are plenty of black market ones that she could do.

Good luck with her!

  - kv
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1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
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Re: Curious Idea... for playing an elder character...
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 01:17:05 AM »

Yea date does stand to be corrected since was basing off another Shadowrun date.  I have readjusted it accordingly which puts her at just at the Shadowrun timeline. I also got to delve into the agumentations books so her story has become more rounded out and darker in some aspects. Two words Cyberzombie Unknowingly... still working it out with my GM on the mater since he has hinted that My Troll Face may not be long with the group...


Just because I managed to talk the head Sgt of the Lone Stars that entered the building after it caught on fire into the limo... is not... too much my fault. XD
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