okay, but just to play devil's advocate what about this:
If she doesn't know if she's a good pixie or an amoral prankster pixie, and her life is going to be one of discovery: how is she going to be a pacifist?, and why would she have kick-ass guns and armor if her history were one of roof gardens and hanging out with 9 year old girls?
example: scene after she is forced to kill someone in self defense:
*sobbing*"It's just so... so... wrong."
me:"why is it wrong?"
her:"it just feels wrong!, I've never done anything like that before!"
me:"Are you sure? I thought you couldn't remember your history?"
her:"I... don't think so."
me:"you do realize that you are standing there in a nearly a hundred-thousand dollars worth of custom fitted killing gear, specifically molded to your body. and you've got an equally custom pistol, that only fires the lethal sort of bullets... and you can apparently aim well enough to use it. That is above and beyond the YWCA night classes of self-defense most pixies would seek out to arm themselves with"
anyways, even flawed though her story appears I would still run in a game with her; I guess it's just my own internal dialog that would rather have things explained.
Amnesia is (in my opinion) a fast way to say: "I'll figure out an interesting way this works together later, or I'll make the GM think of it for me."
When I was GM, if I had PC's take amnesia, I took their sheet, and gave them back a modified version of "This is what you know about yourself."
PC: I have all these grenades, can I use them?
GM: you don't know. only one way to find out. think your neighbors will mind?
Then as they did stuff they would figure out what they could and couldn't do. Some flaws would present themselves as an uncontrollable urge to log-on any time they were near a matrix terminal. or I would have them make blind willpower tests to be reminded of 'something' about their past.
That's how I handled the flaw. The PC could choose it, and the general guidelines of their character, but I got to take away and modify the other flaws (up to the point value of the ones they suggested) So, 'In-Debt' became 'deadly enemy' etc.
that way, the meta-gaming for amnesia was limited, and it was more annoying to take it than to avoid thinking up a history.
If you had a nice GM, you got to keep your addiction (Mild) Caffeine. If you're GM thought that was stupid flaw, it got changed to addiction (Mild) Nudist. or some other funny/inconvenient combination. (Football flavored (tm) NERPS was the latest one.) "You can really taste the sod!"
Beyond the edge/flaw history, my other concern is the armor. I understand she's a pixy. she's got a body of 2 that she worked really hard to get up to 4. She's got an invisibility suit; because invisibility suits are awesome, and 'wouldn't it be cool...' that's fine and dandy. but she's got no other clothes. so she's one of those "always in her armor" girls. and, by your count she's got 12 points of impact armor, and 10 points of ballistic. (I think that count is wrong, you only get half of the ballistic value for every peace of armor after the first; but beyond that)
with 12 points of impact armor, you need a body of 12 to move without penalties. That would be a troll, wearing the maximum amount of armor and nearly tank-like in status. My PC's armor plated van doesn't have that much armor.
but, maybe the count is right; and perhaps the GM isn't using the encumbrance rules so having a body of 3 and wearing 12 points of impact armor is cool.
What the hell is that going to look like? a 3' tall pixy wearing a mechwarrior battle suit? And you are going to just 'go around everywhere' like that?'
pixie: "I'd like to buy some nachos, with extra candy sprinkles!"
stuffer-shack employee: "Oh dear god I knew taking acid was a bad idea! please take all the money in the register just don't kill me!!!"
Being invisible is cool, and having a battle-suit is okay; you may want to keep it even if the encumbrance rules apply (some times it's important to have more armor than a tank) but a regular level of interaction with the public needs to take place at some point, if only to meet the Johnson.
anyways, and anyhow; the fundamental idea of a pixie runner is fun enough to make it. and you seem to have enough creativity so that running a play-by-post with you would be enjoyable... but personally I'd like to see some minor modifications to the sheet, and maybe a little more on her back-story. How did Ms. Pixie come to decide she needed an invisibility suit? Was she the only pixie in her circle that couldn't get by on stealth skills alone? Was she caught and released by an evil government project, or did she escaped wearing the suit? She's got one month paid on her kick-ass pad; how did she pay for all that stuff last month? why can't she just do that again? Did she get tired of starring in Pixie pr0n? was her favorite 9 year old little girl that she befriended killed by the orc underground? Why shadowrunning? most folks would rather do most any job rather than stealing from rich people. most pixies live in gardens and sit around all day listening to Bob Marley (Citation Needed). why does she need a job? was she banned from the Shal-Shee council and from Oregon in general when a pixie prank wound her up in trouble with the meta-friendly environment there?
... anyways, I don't know if I'm pissing you off with all this stuff or not; really I'm trying to help so we can get going on the adventurous part of the adventure... but I don't always have that effect.
I'll take advice and answer questions on my PC as well if you feel something needs to be rounded out or explained.