So this is an idea I have been bouncing around in my brain for a bit.
You are a corporate runner, you live on corporate land, you have access to tech, gear, and other highly restricted/forbidden stuff, and you run missions against the competition (and once in a while your own corp).
I am enforcing most of the rules from the SR4 books but I am adding a few of my own.
I am going to use 500 BP for character creation to give you guys a more elite status.
I am lifting the availability ban to 16 and allowing R and F for purposes of gear (though if you are caught in an opposing corporate territory you are in real deep trouble).
I would recommend that you save a little bit of money to buy alternate identities and safehouses.
I am not allowing Shapeshifters, Synthetic Intelligences, Free Spirits, Infected, or Sapient Critters.
Now questions I have:
Is there any interest in a game like this?
I am thinking of including my own character to run with you guys same rules apply to him as you. Objections?
What Corporation would you like to run for?
Who would you like to run against (like top five corps you always wanted to slap around with a bit of cover)?
So thoughts?