Yeah the Locus looks awesome, but being a geek/nerd I prefer to have electronic devices/appliances
not installed into furniture... or at least in such a way that it's replaceable/upgradable. The technology level in most industries is growing rapidly if not exponentially these days. I a couple of years that TV (which is basically what it is with a touch-screen overlay) will probably have issues or otherwise needing to be replaced.
I'd much prefer an "
Interactive Whiteboard" in my nerd dungeon. Or even just a big TV I can hook a computer up to. Easier to do, replaceable, and cheaper.
That being said, I really dig the tables with the recessed playing areas. When you're done or it's late, just place the top cover on the table again and continue next time. I also really like the multi-layered game vault system. You can place a map under a grid overlay, then the acrylic layer, then draw on it with whiteboard markers. So convenient when sketching out quick layouts! Players could even put small notes like ammo counters on it or something.