So, I re-took it; and came up with: "You are a fighter!"
apparently I scored a 89% in combativeness, which was waaaay over on the right side of the bell curve. (*higher than 98% of my peers!)
I fell just above the median for Sneakiness, a squish below the median on intellect, and a little over the median for spirituality.
So: no prestige class for me. I'm just simple violence, personified.
This was their blurb:
"Good at hitting things and with a definite violent streak; you are a Fighter!
Fighters are the basic martial combatants in D&D. Their abilities and skills vary wildly between individuals, but they all share one thing in common: a definite preference for violence.
You're either really defensive, have an unhealthy fascination with sharp objects... or you just like hurting people. Either way, you should probably try and keep your cool. Being able to hack someone into pieces maybe a useful skill in most RPGs, but in real life it will just get you into trouble.
"hmm... just get me into trouble? And here I thought my aggression did a decent job of getting me out of the trouble I find myself in for totally no fault of my own... LOL.
Then again, maybe I'm still keyed up after an especially violent weekend in my 'day job'? Or maybe my employment is an environment that encourages a violent mindset?
... or maybe I'm just more violent than the average computer geek that finds their way to a website about D&D quizzes? by like: a whole lot?
perhaps I should get a sign made? Or a T-shirt? Something along the lines of: "Beware of owner: prone to violent solutions to complex problems."