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Author Topic: EYE: Divine Cybermancy  (Read 3903 times)


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EYE: Divine Cybermancy
« on: October 05, 2012, 04:45:07 AM »

Ok, so, i picked this little game up on steam for a song. Played the demo, and it was pretty fun.. What hooked me though, was it has an extremely strong shadowrun feel to it (with a little warhammer 40k thrown in to spice it up some)

Its a bit of an odd shooter where it mixxes the use of Cybernetics, Running gun, sniping, melee combat, magic, and techno hacking, and does it pretty well. The graphics arent going to win any awards, but the same time, the general look of the cities and areas you go are, well, rather beautiful in how horrible they are.  It has a great atmosphere, and while im only getting started, the story is pretty interisting as well.

Downside is the controls are a little lack luster, getting to your inventory takes navigating through several menus real time, which makes it VERY easy for enemies to come up and tear/chop/shoot/magic your head off..

But at the same time you dont have to worry about death to much, when you die you get 9 "lives" where you just jump right back up and can continue fighting (shields protect you for a short time letting you wittle down the forces that killed you, or run away to consider another approach) and after 9 times you go back to a dream world where you restart the level while keeping your XP, Cash, and items you had picked up. To balance this if you die TO much you develop lesions on your brain that lower your skills and abilities that take a while to properly heal up with the right research.. this is to keep someone from simply farming an area like the home base (lots of people worth lots of XP and cash) with no repercussions as when you True Respawn they all go friendly to you again.

Other little things are a little clunky as well. Alot of the powers require alot of key manuvering if you dont want to use the horrible menu system, and other little things you take for granted in other games, like your guy automaticly reloading his gun, which can cost you some lives in a firefight.. Its realistic.. But all considering the game shouldnt be to concerned with "realism"

The setting is odd, your part of an order of.. Something. Your tasked to carry out some groups (think illuminati) objectives while under attack from the federation, a group of facist (as far as your own people are making them out to be) planets joined together to take over everything. At the same time there is a Schism in your group, tue culters who you are a part of, and Jian, have a cold war going and an uneasy truce while fighting the federation trying to make the other side look bad to their Masters.

Also some strange meta-human demonic monsters have been appearing, demons of some sort that are suppose to be taking the forms of humans fears/vices/sins/lusts to... do something not good.

Its a weird kind of mash up, but, in the end, its fun. If you like you can load up your guy with a sniper rifle and creep through the shadows picking off people silently, tap into the human psyche to unleash magical powers, Carry a giant sword, ax, or pair of katanas while wearing heavy armor to slash your enemies to pieces, carry miniture drones to float around and fight for you while hacking your enemies defenses to do your dirty work, or any combination there of limited only by your level and where you spend your points to enhance your character. it evidently has a decent multiplayer system as well, and the ability to make custom maps and scenarios which sounds good, im personally looking for a decent shadowrun mod...
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Re: EYE: Divine Cybermancy
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 08:53:47 PM »

ok, so some stuff i forgot to mention..

The game is kinda RPG style shooter, you ahve a large number of stats, and "choose" them based on mystic genes that have bonuses and penalties to certian stats, you choose 3 which lets you kit out fairly well either making a balanced jack of all trades, or straight magi, hacker, sniper, or warrior. Your class is defined by your highest stats, which doesnt do much except change the look of your armor and possibly a few other small things i havent figured out.

The weapons are pretty limited with about 3 melee weapons, your default katana, a secondary wakazashi for it, a giant broadsword called the damacles (sort of AOE swing attack that explodes enemies on contact) And a giant hammer/ax i havent gotten yet.

Pistols you have 4, a pair of dual pistols, a single pistol, a revolver, and heavy revolver, dual pistols let you dual wield of course, but if you take a melee weapon you can use sword and gun at same time (except the hammer/ax thing) letting you blast away till they get close, and negating some worry about the lack of auto-reload. Revolvers are simply more accurate and higher damage, but horrible reload time to make up for it.

Next up is SMGs, 2, a weird sort of pistol that has 2 settings, Full auto, and MOAR DAKKA!!! 100 shots its good for just sort of unloading at close range, especially with its MD setting where it blows through a clip of 100 in almost a second, but both modes have rather crap accuracy. Second SMG is a heavier one with a silencer (which i think is more of an astetic thing as moment you shoot anybody EVERYBODY knows..), higher damage, better zoom, switches between semi-auto and full auto with better accuracy

Assault rifles are next with 3, a full auto ak clone that works well at crowd control with its full auto shot, decent accuracy, a second AK clone which is semi auto, but has a better accuracy and is single fire. Third one i havent gotten yet.

Next is snipers, with a silenced semi-auto rifle with decent damage and zoom for quick kill head shots and a good clip, second is pretty much a .50 cal rifle. Hit the enemy anywhere and they are going down in a red haze. Third one i havent gotten again.

Next heavy weapons starting with a giant vulcan machine gun, huge clip, crap accuracy. An assault cannon that does AOE range damage (least from understand, havent gotten it) and a double barrel shotgun that looks like a troll on steroids would have trouble handling that fires grenades.

Shotguns follow up with three, a double barrel sawn off, a pump acction assult, and a machine gun shot gun, never really used so dont know whole lot bout them.

You can get any weapon at any time, provided you have the cash and stats to buy them, which is weird as you can kill enemies and pick up the exact same gun from them.. But you get no ammo.

Ammo isnt really a problem as you can visit an armory and refill with as much as you want, or find it dropped from dead enemies who almost always drop ammo for a weapon you are carrying, even if its a gun they arent using. So your never really hurting. But they only drop ammo for the guns you Own, not the ones you find, if you pick up an enemies pistol that you havent unlocked you get 2-3 shots before its useless as for some reason you cant take the unused shots from a dead enemies gun of the same type.

inventory is done in a grid based design, 2 slots on each shoulder, 2 on each fore arm, 3 on each hip, 6 (2x3) on each foot, and about 18 (3x6) on your back. This lets you either take one heavy, a rifle (sniper, assult, shotgun) and a melee weapon (broad/katanas), and room for 2 smaller weapons, like pistol and SMG (or the sawn off shotgun) and load up with all the ammo you want. So you have to pick your gear carefully, though you can go back to your armory at any time and change your loadout if you need. The down side to all this is it lowers your speed, more, heavier weapons slows down your running speed and eats up how fast you use energy while running, this is also modified by your armor, and your strength, higher STR means you can use heavier stuff without slowing down, higher endurance means your energy goes down faster.

The lack of weapons is kinda disappointing, but at the same time its kinda nice as you can get away with favoring a weapon (or group) without having to worry to much. Pack along your sniper rifle for long ranged armor targets and a pair of pistols and SMG when things get hairy. In the end its free enough to let you make your choice and run with it, but strict enough to make you keep things a little loose so you can change up when you need to.

Will post more as i get further in the game.
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Re: EYE: Divine Cybermancy
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2018, 09:07:13 AM »

Steam, I'd assume?
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Re: EYE: Divine Cybermancy
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2018, 02:41:20 AM »

Sorry for not posting a link for it... Or like anything for like, a couple years...

But the Capts Back!
America... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.


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Re: EYE: Divine Cybermancy
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2018, 11:13:22 AM »

Welcome back cap!

and.. first person shooter?
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Re: EYE: Divine Cybermancy
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2018, 01:31:16 PM »


And Yep, they have gone on to do some other games...

Like Space Hulk Deathwing!
... Which might not be a very glowing endorsement as in the game your terminator armor seems to be made out of paper mache. Seriously, dudes with little auto guns and pistols can waste you. And some reason a storm bolter, autocannon, even plasma weapons all feel vastly underpowered.

It has its good points, but largely its rather disappointing, especially if your a 40k fan..

... that raises a question... Do they still play warhammer 40k in shadowrun...?

Or would Orks and Elves have a fit with how racially insensitive it is...?
America... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.


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Re: EYE: Divine Cybermancy
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2018, 11:52:12 AM »

Orks probably would, but frag there's a lot of stuff that racist to orks anyway!

And I'm going to stay away from the FPS-game. They make me seasick :-/
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

"I find you lack of grammar...disturbing..."
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