Hahaha, randowis, makes some great comics and little animations, though slowed down recent years.
And 76 is... problematic.
Its a big part Fall4 in style and engine, but leveling is... meh.
When you level up you dont get to pick perks from a list, you get a bunch of random "perk cards" you can equip about. And they sre given randomly. So while you want to play a tech heavy gunner with light armor, you might get cards that are only useful for trading. Its... annoying.
Further add in gear.
Rather then crafting one gun and a set of armor, then slowly upgrading it as you level, you make a gun at level 5. And at level 10. And 15, 20, 25...
And each level the gun costs more anf more to make, and when recycling your old gun you get almost nothing back. And the mods and attachments have to be recrafted as well.
So your ALWAYS struggling to find parts to do building with, most places are picked clean and your just praying you catch it on the respawn.
But a new thing they did is make it so enemies are always your level. So you hit level 30 and need to renew all your gear, cept there are no easy scav spots as everything is matching your level, but your weapons are underpowered...
This is an improvement as it used to be the game would spawn slightly lower enemies in earlier areas while you scaved...
Which sucked for everybody else as while your level 5, you might get swarmed by 6-7 level 90 ghouls because a level 90 guy was in the area. So youd be screwwed.
Now its "scaled" so the deathclaw that spawns in shows as level 5 for you, but for the level 90 it shows as level 90. You can both fight it, and do about the same damage roughly.
There are ways it could be fixed, but last i played it screwwed balance a lot.
Thst said, actual gameplay, story, enemies, all of that, were excellent and would have made an awesome single player game. Which is were it gets fucky again.
You can buynthe game and not have to pay a subscription....
Unless you want your own solo world where only you and your friends can explore about. That costs about 12 bucks a month.
Thats right. In the mmorpg , you only pay once to play online... but have to have a paid subscription to play solo.